Nice Jewish Cemetery

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Sommaire / Summary

The Nice Jewish Cemetery is located in allée François Aragon. At the entrance is a cenotaph dedicated to Nice's victims of the Holocaust.

Nice Jewish Cemetery

Before entering the Nice Jewish cemetery is a memorial or wall of deportees which lists the surnames, first names, ages and places of birth of 3602 victims deported from Nice's two railway stations.

At the entrance to the Jewish cemetery stands a cenotaph with two urns. The first urn contains ashes from the gas chambers and crematoria of Auschwitz. Then, the second contains soap made from human fat by the Nazis.

The graves of the former Jewish cemetery, which already existed in the Middle Ages, have been transferred to this cemetery.

Some graves

Nice Jewish cemeteryChapelle Alfred Van Cleef

The chapel of Alfred Van Cleef, creator of the famous Van Clef et Arpels jewelry, stands out.

As for Salomon Arpels, he was Alfred's uncle.

Sylvio's tomb

It's hard not to visit the grave of this boy, who died at the age of 7 1/2 in 1931. His parents built him a funerary monument decorated with what he had asked for on the eve of his death: a train, a car, a plane and a little tree...
The following epitaph is difficult to decipher:
To Sylvio
Justice would have it, our child
That it was up to you to lead us
One day to our final resting place.
Why then should we find ourselves
Standing in front of yours?
Miserable fate:
What have we done with you, O Sylvio:
So young, so handsome, so splendid and sublime
From the shadow into this shadow a cold ray
That's all we have left...
And forever, forever!
A train, a car, a plane, a little tree
You asked us for this the day before you died
Here they are, alas, still and cold
But as inseparable
Of your tomb as is ours
Your last breath gathered
In the deepest folds of our souls
To us Sylvio!
Your parents

Tomb of the Ioseph and Isabelle L. Family by ROMANELLI Raffaëllo

This is a marble portico with broken columns, it is mostly dominated by sphinxes and to its left is the figure of Hope or Faith.

Architect Aaron MESSIAH

Aaron Messiah(1858-1940) was a French architect. He is known for the construction of the Villa Masséna but also other villas on the Riviera, etc.

Tomb of René Goscinny

René Goscinny (1926-1977) was a screenwriter and comic strip author. He was most famous for Asterix, but also for Le Petit Nicolas, etc. He was buried in the Montparnasse cemetery, then transferred to the Caucade cemetery in Nice. And finally to the Nice Jewish cemetery.
On his stele, adorned with the Star of David, we also note the name of his wife Gilberte (1943-1994), who is still in the Caucade cemetery in Nice.

Other information

Nice Jewish cemetery.
allée François Aragon (at the foot of the château hill)
06300 Nice

Opening hours

Every weekday from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm.

Informations Côte d'Azur

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