12 L’Oiseau bleu concerts in Nice

12 L’Oiseau bleu concerts are scheduled from July 7 to 28, 2024 in Nice.

12 L’Oiseau bleu concerts

These 12 concerts are organized by the Ensemble Calisto, over the course of 7 different and very open programs.
Listeners can choose their preferred classical music style: from Baroque to contemporary, from piano to song, from sacred music to chamber music. Mozart, Handel, Verdi, Puccini, Vivaldi, Debussy, Ravel, Rachmaninov, Scriabin, Fauré and more.
These concerts are accompanied by one or more instruments: violins, organ, piano, viola da gamba, harpsichord, etc, depending on the program.

The titles of the programs are evocative of their highly eclectic content:

  • Apogée of the English Renaissance
  • Habitating music from the Renaissance to American minimalism
  • French impressionism vs. the Russian Silver Age
  • organ and sacred music
  • the vocal music of Mozart
  • etc

Want to know more. Visit the official website.

Maria KrasnikovaWho is Maria Krasnikova?

Maria Krasnikova has a solid musical foundation, judge for yourself.
After studying violin, she trained as a choral conductor, this in Moscow.
In France, she learned baroque singing, then studied musicology at the Sorbone.

Throughout Europe, she perfects her knowledge and practice of classical and operatic music.
She never ceases to learn and improve, traveling through Russia, Germany, England, Austria, Portugal and France.

And in 2013, she created the 6-person Ensemble Calisto, which she organized and became its director and soprano singer.

12 L'Oiseau bleu concerts in Nice with Maria Krasnikova

Practical information

Classical concerts L’Oiseau bleu
from July 7 to 28, 2024
Church of Saint François de Paule
9 Rue Saint-François de Paule, 06300 Nice
Opposite the Opera in Vieux Nice

Full price: €15 / Reduced price: 10€ / Free for children under 12
Official website

Nice guide for kids

The Nice guide for kids, written by Jean-Marc Foulquier, is aimed at 7-14 year-olds. It helps young readers discover and love Nice, so they can become guides for the adults who accompany them.

Nice guide for kidsNice guide for kids

This Children’s Guide to Nice presents the must-sees of Nice, but also topics that will be of interest to young readers: Promenade des Anglais, hill and waterfall, museums, parks and games, little electric train, and more.

Worth noting: The Top secret section establishes a complicit tone with young readers, delivering “secrets” as they visit.

What’s more, this guide is enhanced by little games: riddles, intrusions. Everything is done to encourage the pleasure of visiting Nice.

Practical information about the Guide

Nice guide for kids, a guide for children90 p. Color illustrations.
Ages 7-14.
ISBN-13: 979-8329034059
Paperback $10
Digital format $8,05

See the Guide on Amazon.COM
or Amazon.FR.
See the digital version

Exhibition Cabu Vive le sport ! in Nice

The Cabu Vive le sport exhibition is on show at the Musée Massena in Nice, from June 15 to September 22, 2024.

Exhibition Cabu Vive le sport !

Cabu’s exhibition of 300 drawings echoes the sporting events of summer 2024.
The exhibition is divided into 6 themes:

  • drawing sport,
  • Olympic Games,
  • football,
  • Tour de France,
  • supporters,
  • champions all categories.

Exposition Cabu Vive le sport à NiceThese drawings are reproduced in large format and others are displayed in showcases, including sketches, giving an understanding of the preparatory work for the drawings that are delivered to the public.
Seeing all these drawings, one is amused. But with Cabu, it’s not all laughter. We observe, we discover, we reflect. That’s the art of this great cartoonist of our daily lives, to highlight the characteristics and shortcomings of others… and of ourselves.

Practical information

Musée Masséna
65, rue de France
From June 15 to September 22, 2024
10am to 6pm, except Tuesdays

Official Cabu website

Bettina Rheims exhibition in Nice

The Bettina Rheims exhibition in Nice, Pourquoi m’as-tu abandonnée? takes place at the Charles Nègre Museum of Photography in Nice, from June 15 to September 29, 2024.

The Bettina Rheims exhibition, Why have you abandoned me? in Nice

Bettina Rheims exhibition in Nice = Exposition Bettina Rheims, Pourquoi m'as-tu abandonnée?
“Get a model, celebrity or unknown, to give you that part of herself that she’s never revealed before.”

Bettina Rheims has been a successful photographer since the early 1990s. Indeed, she collaborated with the biggest international magazines, on both fashion and publicity shots. She photographed the anonymous, as well as a host of celebrities.
But her photos also contained a very strong personality. Bettina Rheims has brought together a number of them, in a series entitled Pourquoi m’as-tu abandonnée.
29 of these emblematic works by Bettina Rheims are on show at the Musée Charles Nègre de la photographie. 29 portraits of women.
We admire the portraits of Madonna, Karolina Kurkova, Marion Cotillard, Monica Bellucci and many others.
We also admire the life that pulsates in the bodies, the character of the models that shines through in the attitudes, in a detail perfectly highlighted, we are challenged by poses or situations. And in a way, these photographs show women in a new light, far removed from the sexualized models of male photographers. We discover a whole range of provocative, touching, beautiful, happy, fragile and powerful women. And sometimes, revealing our own fantasies.

Bettina Rheims

Bettina Rheims (1952-) crosses the world of photography without belonging to any aesthetic trends, but creating her own. Her own, we should say. And often in the company of her partner, writer Serge Bramly. From her series of stripteaseuses de Pigalle (1980) to Naked War (2017)arising from her encounter with the Femen, including the cycle on the life of Jesus in I.N.R.I. (1998), Gender Studies (2011) which questions notions of gender, Bettina Rheims traces her singular path. A path that may lead us to question ourselves.

Practical information

The Bettina Rheims exhibition, Why have you abandoned me? in Nice
From June 15 to September 29, 2024

Musée Charles Nègre de la photographie
1 Pl. Pierre Gautier, 06300 Nice
Attenant au Marché aux fleurs du cours Saleya, dans le Vieux Nice
10h-18h sauf le lundi

Voyage dans les mondes, par Sayo exhibition

Voyage dans les mondes, par Sayo exhibition runs at the Lou Babazouk municipal gallery until June 2, 2024.

Exhibition Voyage dans les mondes, par Sayo

Sayo is a multi-tasking artist, if I may use that term. She used to be a computer graphics designer, but has returned to drawing, painting and other artistic disciplines.
As a result, she exhibits a wide variety of works, all of which have one thing in common: they take us on a colorful, luminous and sensitive journey to other worlds.
Sayo, a multi-talented artist.

Practical information

Lou Babazouk
Rue de la loge / rue Droite

From May 14 to June 2, 2024
from 10am to 7pm

Un carré + un carré, exhibition by Annie Alunni

Un carré + un carré, exhibition by Annie Alunni at Lou Babazouk 2 gallery in Nice. Annie Alunni is an artist from Nice. She studied art at Villa Thiole, Ecole Boule in Paris and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse. She’s been painting for as long as she can remember… or almost.


A square + a square, exhibition by Annie Alunni

It features some thirty works, most of them made up of several small squares of paintings, which complement or oppose each other. You need to take the time to soak up the atmosphere that emanates from the works, giving sensations of confinement or desires for freedom, sadness or willpower, in short emotions that carry meaning.

Practical information

Lou Babazouk 2
5 rue Benoît Bunico

From May 14 to June 2, 2024
10am to 7pm

Ocean day in Nice

Ocean das in Nice take place in Nice on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2024.

Ocean day in Nice

As part of World Ocean Day and prior to the international meetings in Nice, the city and metropolis are offering a number of events on the subject. Awareness-raising stands, especially for children, sea rescue dog demonstrations, plogging, etc.

Practical information

saturday june 8, 2024
On the Promenade des Anglais
in the libraries

8e International de pétanque à Nice

The 8th International de pétanque à Nice takes place over the weekend of Friday May 31 to Sunday June 2, 2024 from 9am to 8pm.

8e International de pétanque à Nice

8th International de pétanque à NiceThe grounds are set up Place Massena, on the Promenade des Anglais and on the Château hill, including the existing boule courts.
No fewer than 2,000 competitors compete in an atmosphere that is both friendly and rigorous.
8 countries are taking part, including, among others, in addition to the French teams:

  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Monaco
  • Benin
  • Etc

The premises will be cleared of all fixtures and fittings and tidied up by the following Monday.

David Alibo’s Feminin-Plural exhibition in Nice

David Alibo’s Feminin-Plural exhibition in Nice is presented at Lou Babazouk 2, from April 2 to 21, 2024.

David Alibo’s Féminin-Pluriel exhibition in Nice

David Alibo is a collagist. That is, he cuts and glues different pieces of paper to make works of art. And what works they are!
First, the collages are made with such mastery that you have to get up close to realize the different pieces. But above all, it’s the composition, or rather the staging, that makes the works so compelling and meaningful.

Féminin-Pluriel exhibition by David Alibo in NiceIn a style inspired by surrealism, he creates works strong in meaning and symbolism. Admire his series on humanity, the first three paintings on the left as you enter. Admire his tributes to Josephine Baker and Marilyn Monroe. Finally, always oscillating between surrealism and symbolism, David Alibo exhibits a great tribute to women.

Practical information

Lou Babazouk
2 – 5 rue Benoît Bunico – Nice

Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm

Site officiel

André Camart’s Transparence exhibition in Nice

André Camart’s Transparence exhibition in Nice runs from April 2 to 21, 2024 in the Lou Babazouk room

Exhibition Transparence by André Camart in Nice

André Camart is a painter who began by referring to some of the great masters of painting, such as Caravaggio. But he searched for his own voice, based on his own impulses and emotions. He soon abandoned the figurative for the abstract.
André Camart paints abstracts to which everyone can respond in their own way. Indeed, his canvases carry meaning – for the artist, of course, but also for the visitor. His work cannot leave you indifferent. There’s always an element, a color, a way of working with matter that guides the visitor. It’s up to each individual to perceive his or her own personal meaning.
Exposition Transparence d' André Camart à Nice The artist is constantly evolving and searching. Like these canvases in front of which we photographed him, which are a search for color transparency. Or could we say: a search for transparency in spite of color? Or these other paintings, which contrast a harsh, even hostile universe with an elevation to greater light and harmony.
But you’ll have your own interpretation when you visit this exhibition.

Practical information

Galerie Lou Babazouk
8, rue de la Loge – Nice

Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm.

Official website

100 titles by Frédéric Pasquini exhibition

100 titles by Frédéric Pasquini exhibition is on view at the Musée Charles Nègre de la photographie gallery in Nice, from March 30 to June 23, 2024.

100 titles by Frédéric Pasquini exhibition

Frédéric Pasquini has photographed moments in everyday life, mainly in Europe. He captures the moment that reveals a reality other than the one we see. He captures the expression on a face as much as the unexpected in social movements, the poetry of a scene, the unusualness of yet banal situations. Art is not only photographic, it’s born of the connections the artist makes. The subjects are very diverse, which already captures our attention. But the photos presented take on another dimension, when you read their titles.
Exposition 100 titres de Frédéric PasquiniSo I suggest you enlarge our photos to read their captions. And you’ll agree that Frédéric Pasquini has a great sense of humor. And his photos take on a new meaning that they didn’t necessarily have at first glance. In fact, the artist plunges us into a raw reality that every visitor will recognize. This is what makes his photos so pleasing, revealing society’s major problems without being professorial or moralistic, leaving each viewer free to interpret. A great success.
It’s varied, colorful, original and captivating. In short, this is an exhibition we absolutely recommend.
But who is this photographer Frédéric Pasquini?

Frédéric Pasquini

Frédéric Pasquini is a photographer from Nice. He has been working as an author-photographer and photojournalist for some twenty years. He is a correspondent for major newspapers. He is a member of the Hans Lucas agency. He is artist-in-residence at the 109 contemporary culture center in Nice.
He regularly exhibits in galleries in France and abroad.

Museum’s official website
FrédéricPasquini official website

Rauba Capeu sundial

The Rauba Capeu sundial measures a dozen meters in diameter and is painted horizontally on the ground. It is therefore located just a few metres from the #IloveNice sculpture. Users can find out what time it is by looking at the shadow of their head.

Sundial, quai Rauba Capeu

You can’t miss it, it’s just a few meters from the sculpture #IloveNice. The Sundial, quai Rauba Capeu is right at the foot of the Château hill, it was set up on June 21, 1981, the day of the summer solstice. It is inclined and has 24 branches indicating the hours. But only 12 are numbered from 7 to 18 and extend to the end of the dial. In addition, between lines 12 and 13, the North Pole is indicated. It uses the user’s shadow to deliver the time. The 1.70 m tall person must stand on the rosette, the shadow of the head indicates solar time.

Plaques under the sundial, quai Rauba Capeu

As you can see from the photos, three metal plates beneath the sundial give us important indications.

The first indicates the date of its installation 21 06 1981, the position 43°41’22” north latitude and 29 m 11 s. 29 being a time scale.
This sundial is the work of B Milet Cal, P Février Cog, and R Capron Fec.
The Société astronomique de France has found the meanings of the abbreviations Cal. Cog.Fec. Either:

  • Cal = Calculavit: “calculated… ” from Latin calculare
  • Cog = Cogitavit: “was conceived by…” from the popular Latin cogitare
  • Fec = Fecit: “was made by … ” from classical Latin facere.

Bernard Milet , well-known astronomer, made the calculations (Cal). Roger Capron, a renowned ceramist, designed the dial artistically.
As for the second plate, it shows the operating instructions. It reads:
Solar Dial The solar time determined by the shadow of the head of a 1m70 observer, placed on the rosette, must be corrected according to the date by the number of minutes indicated on the graph.

The third is more complex.

You can read, at the bottom horizontally the months and at the left vertically the correction to be applied in minutes…

A correction is necessary because the inclination of the globe’s axis of rotation is different in each season.

Solar time and GMT

The sun’s path is always from east to west. To find the solar time of a town in France, you first need to locate the town in relation to the meridian that sets France’s time zone, because fortunately there’s only one.
This means knowing whether the city is east or west of the meridian, and then adding or subtracting minutes. For example, Strasbourg: add 31 minutes, Nice: add 29 minutes, Lyon: add 19 minutes, Amiens and Paris: add 9 minutes and Bordeaux: subtract 3 minutes.
Remember, of course, that solar time is different from Greenwich Mean Time.
GMT time was created to harmonize, quite useful when traveling to several cities and countries. In simple terms, it’s the local mean time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, from midnight onwards.

Roger Torrenti and the Sundial, Quai Rauba Capeu

Roger Torrenti is an engineer at École centrale Paris and President of the Sundial Commission of the Société Astronomique de France since 2021.

Only someone 1.7 m tall can get the time right. Smaller or taller people will note an approximate time.
Many people wonder why this choice and design!
Roger Torrenti, on the other hand, performed the calculations and says it would be easy to add stars based on height.

He is also, the author of Les cadrans solaires : histoire, théorie et construction, it is free to download. The paper version can be purchased online.

In short, the time indicated by a sundial is solar time and is specific to its location. Your watch, on the other hand, indicates legal time, based on the Greenwich meridian.
The dial and the watch never give the same time.
In Nice, once you’ve discovered the time on the sundial on the Quai Rauba Capeu, you have to look up. And look, admire the magnificent scenery all around, including the view over the Baie des Anges.

Useful information

Quai Rauba Capeu
near #ILoveNice

Please note that there are different spellings for Rauba Capeu, Rauba Capèu or Rauba Capeù…

See also our pages :
I love Nice
Rauba Capeu quay
War memorial of Nice
Sundial Rauba Capeu

ILoveNice in Nice

#ILoveNice was born after the July 14, 2016 tragedy in the city of Nice. The aim was for everyone to post a publication to explain why they love Nice.
The sculpture was inaugurated in 2016, in front of the water mirror on the Promenade du Paillon.


#ILoveNice is a 3D autolithic metal structure from France Festivités.
Measuring around 8 meters wide, 3.5 meters high, it changes color frequently. Usually in traditional blue, white and red, it leaves its colors for, for example :
– The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in 2021, for the story’s 75th anniversary.
– the colors of OGC Nice in 2022
– a cyclist’s silhouette, to mark the passage of the Tour de France
– during the exhibition of Orlinski’s work, a gorilla over three meters tall was attached to the base of the ILoveNice building
– a pink ribbon for October, for breast cancer screening
– in orange in support of the fight against violence against women for World Day, November 25, 2023.
740,000 posts on Instagram. The #ILoveNice is intended to federate and spread positive energies around Nice and its gentle way of life,” says Nice town hall, which regularly incorporates the structure’s image into its communications media (excerpt from France3-régions).
At its current location, on the Quai Rauba Capeu, the hashtag is in the colors of France, blue, white and red, ideally placed with the Baie des Anges in the background.

In 2017, a partnership between Decathlon and the city of Nice to create a T-shirt featuring the #ILoveNice logo saw the light of day. Profits from the sale were donated in full to three associations helping the victims of the July 14 attack.

#ILoveNice or J’aime Nice

#ILoveNice, the star of selfies isn’t unanimous, it has its detractors.

The Observatoire des libertés would like to replace the #ILoveNice with J’aime Nice. He hopes to enforce the 1994 law prohibiting the use of the English language for trademarks and service marks whenever a French word exists.
“It makes perfect sense in this place and with this language” asserts Gilles Povigna, who had participated in its manufacture with France Festivités. He also adds, “Before you want to start a revolution over a word, you need to find out because there are strong symbols for some people, and the hashtag resonates for many, especially for those who lost a loved one that day. “
The reality is that foreign tourists love ILoveNice and they find it more international.

#ILoveNice replaced by #FreePalestine

At the end of last year, a new twist, protesters were planning to replace the structure at midday, a month after the genocide on the people of Gaza began, BFM Côte d’Azur article.

Technical specifications of the #ILoveNice

Total length: 8m
Total height: 3.50m
Base width: 1.20m
Weight: nearly 2 tonnes
Material: car body sheet metal
Paint: body paint in the exact colors of the French flag
Cost: €9,000 inc.

La Maison de Nice #ILoveNice

Note that La Maison de Nice, which is the official store of the city of Nice, declines the ILoveNice in different forms. Caps, aprons, hats …branded ILoveNice.


Quai Rauba-Capeu

Please note, there are different spellings for Rauba Capeu, Rauba Capèu or Rauba Capeù...

See also our pages :
I love Nice
Rauba Capeu quay
War memorial of Nice
Sundial Rauba Capeu

War memorial of Nice

The war memorial of Nice is located on the route of the first path, the old chemin des Ponchettes. From Cours Saleya, it was possible to reach the Lympia port. It is dug directly into the rock of an old stone quarry.

The war memorial of Nice

This quarry was used to build the harbor quays in the 18th century, as well as the pier in the 19th century. Construction of the memorial was completed in 1927, after 3 years of work.
The architect of this Art-Deco style monument is the Niçois Roger Séassal, Grand Prix de Rome in 1913.

This Nice war memorial is 32 m high, the niche carved into the stone is framed by an arch.

The reliefs present on either side, symbolizing war and peace, but also violence and appeasement. They are sculpted by Alfred Janniot. The Sun Fountain on Place Masséna is also one of his creations.
And between the two reliefs is inscribed the following words: “The City of Nice to its sons who died for France: Remember the works that your fathers accomplished in their time and you will receive an immortal name and glory”. Just above this inscription is the eagle, the symbol of Nice.
To reach the niche, you have to climb five steps. They represent the five years of the 1st World War. In the middle is an enormous urn on which are engraved the names of the main campaigns of the war, such as Somme, Marne, Verdun, Artois… On the wall below, the names of 4,000 Nice residents who died for France are inscribed.


On either side of the forecourt are steles adorned with bas-reliefs representing the artillery, air force, cavalry, engineers, infantry and navy.

Inauguration of the Nice War Memorial

It was inaugurated on January 29, 1928 by Marshal Foch, but also by English, American and Italian naval officers.
During the ceremony, the families of the victims placed the identity plaques in a bronze reliquary, itself sealed in the funeral urn.

In late October 2018, a bronze eagle-shaped reliquary was discovered in the Monument aux Morts in Nice. This reliquary weighs 31 kg 500 and measures 28 cm high and 42 cm wide. After being cleaned, it was not opened for ethical reasons, but scanned. And it revealed what was inside: rings, bracelets and almost 2,000 plaques of soldiers who fell at the front in the First World War.


The bronze eagle was exhibited at the Nice town hall on November 9 and 10, then placed on the forecourt of the war memorial. Thus, after the November 11, 2018 ceremonies, the eagle-shaped reliquary was returned to the place of its discovery.

Distinctions from the Nice War Memorial

On November 28, 2000, it was awarded the “Patrimoine du XXe siècle” label. But also first prize at the Trophées de l’aménagement urbain in 2004. It has also been listed as a historic monument since May 24, 2011.


Monument aux morts de Nice
Quai Rauba-Capeu

Beware, there are different spellings for Rauba Capeu, Rauba Capèu or Rauba Capeù…

See also our pages :
I love Nice
Rauba Capeu quay
War memorial of Nice
Sundial Rauba Capeu

Rauba Capeu quay

The Rauba Capeu quay is a continuation of the Promenade des Anglais and the Etats-Unis quay. On this quay, you’ll find the war memorial, the giant hashtag #ILOVENICE, as well as the sundial and Notre Dame des fonds marins.

Why Rauba Capeu ?

Quite simply because this name, comes from the Nicoise language and translates as “hat fly”. It’s the windiest spot due to its geographical location. Indeed, the tip of Rauba Capeu quay juts out into the sea, and the combined east and south-west winds blow and circulate unstopped by any element…

Rauba Capeu quay

It stretches 300 meters long and extends the Promenade des Anglais and the Quai des Etats-Unis towards the Port Lympia.

It offers a view not only of the Promenade des Anglais, but also of the Mediterranean.

From this quay, walkers admire the whole Promenade des Anglais and even the airport, is visible from this spot. When you stop for a moment, you can feel like the captain at the bow of a ship sailing on the open sea. Strollers’ eyes are delighted by the spectacle of waves crashing against the rocks.

Modernization of Quai Rauba Capeu

In 2003, Quai Rauba Capeu underwent a number of transformations.
Marseille-based StoA Architecture, the 3 architects Thierry Ciccione, Charles Bové, Pascal Urbain elaborate and design the project. The Quai Rauba Capèu project won the 2004 Prix de l’Architecture in the Urban Development category.
Every effort is made to make the quay a place that is used and visited. These include level pavements, a cycle path following on from the Promenade des Anglais, and a long stone bench. Spotlights have also been installed to illuminate the path at night.

Monument aux Morts

The Monument aux Morts (war memorial) of the city of Nice is located on the first pathway, the old chemin des Ponchettes. It is carved directly into the rock.


#ILOVENICE came into being following the tragedy of July 14, 2015, in the city of Nice.
With the aim that everyone can post a publication to explain why they love Nice.

Solar sundial Quai Rauba Capeu

This horizontal sundial on Quai Rauba Capeu measures a dozen meters in diameter and allows whoever stands on the small star to obtain the time thanks to the shadow of their head.

Our Lady of the Deep

Notre Dame des fond marins is a statue immersed 15 meters below the surface of the water. It was blessed in 1968 by Monseigneur Jean Mouisset, Bishop of Nice, and immersed by the Nice fire brigade. The Virgin watches over divers.
50 meters from the shore, Our Lady of the Deep in Nice rests 15 meters below the surface of the sea. The Virgin sits on a large rock (Seiche de Nice), the work of sculptor Alfred Gualtierotti.

Photos from the following site: http://dive-sites.olivierlecorre.com/nice/site-plongee-nice-rauba-capeu-la-vierge.html


Quai Rauba Capeu
East side of Promenade des Anglais
06300 Nice

Please note that there are different spellings for Rauba Capeu, Rauba Capèu or Rauba Capeù…

See also our pages :
I love Nice
Rauba Capeu quay
War memorial of Nice
Sundial Rauba Capeu

Palais de la Méditerranée in Nice

The Palais de la Méditerranée is located at 13-15 Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Its history is long and tumultuous. From its name Palais de la Méditerranée, it became the Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Méditerranée. Today, it boasts 187 rooms, including nine suites, and was awarded 5 stars on September 30, 2009.

Construction of the Palais de la Méditerranée

After the First World War, two major leisure establishments, the Jetée-Promenade and the municipal casino, were the talk of Nice. Given the vogue for sea bathing and gambling, in 1920, three economic players planned to build a third establishment.

The trio consisted of financier Frank Jay Gould, hotelier Joseph Aletti and casino owner Edouard Baudoin. A competition was organized and won by the Dalmas Père et Fils architectural firm. From 1927 to 1928, the project employed 350 workers and cost thirty million francs.
When it opened in 1929, it included a casino, bars, restaurants, a dance hall, exhibition rooms and an 800-seat theater.

Dalmas Père et fils

Charles Dalmas was born in Nice on March 11, 1863 and died in Nice on October 18, 1938. He was a French architect who worked extensively in Nice, and his son worked with him.
Marcel Dalmas was born in Paris on May 25, 1892 and died in Nice on July 16, 1950. He was the son of architect Charles Dalmas and Hélène Marie Willemse.
His buildings in Nice include the Immeuble Nahapiet, Hôtel Royal and Hôtel Ruhl, all three on the Promenade des Anglais. But also the École des Arts Décoratifs, in which both father and son taught, the Immeuble de la Tour, the Villa de la Société du littoral and many others.

Façades of the Palais de la Méditerranée

Reinforced concrete was used, and the facades were Art-Deco in style.
In 1927-1928, under the responsibility of architects Charles and Marcel Dalmas, Antoine Sartorio created the facade’s decorations of horses and female figures.
Antoine Sartorio’s work is of particular interest in the interwar period. He perfectly embodies those artists of the thirties who were enamored of monumental art and worked in close collaboration with architects. His research always focused on architecture and symbolism. His Art Deco style combines pure lines and volumes that evolve towards geometrisation. Based on Antoine Sartorio, sculpteur des corps et des âmes, Violaine Menard-Kiener, Le Tholonet, 1996. This is Antoine Sartorio’s granddaughter.

The decline of the Palais de la Méditerranée

World War II and the casino war halt the palace’s rise. A long period of deterioration followed, followed by receivership in 1978. See the disappearance and murder of Agnès Le Roux by her ex-lover, Jean-Maurice Agnelet. In 1981, the Palace’s stained glass windows were auctioned off, along with the furniture and décor.

Thanks to writers Michel Butor, Max Gallo and several associations, the palace was saved. Their actions led to the classification of the facades as historic monuments by decree on August 18, 1989. They were also awarded the “Patrimoine du XXe siècle” label. Unfortunately, in 1990, all but two of the palace’s facades were demolished. Classified as such, they were propped up at the rear, and were to remain in this state alone for 10 years.

New Palais de la Méditerranée

In 1996, SCI France Congrès submitted its first building permit, which was granted. It was then annulled by the Administrative Court. In 1999, it was finally validated by the Court of Appeal the following year. By the end of 2000, however, only the underground parking lot was in operation.
Then, in 2001, the Société Hôtelière du Palais de la Méditerranée and the Société du Louvre invested 120 million euros in the reconstruction. The Palais de la Méditerranée finally reopened in 2004.
Constellation Hotels Holding, a Luxembourg-based company controlled by Qatari capital, owns the hotel. Operations are entrusted to the American hotel chain Hyatt.
This hotel became the Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Méditerranée. The 5-star hotel features 187 rooms (including 9 suites), a restaurant, a bar, a heated indoor-outdoor swimming pool and 1,700 m² of reception space. The Palais de la Méditerranée casino, meanwhile, is managed by the Partouche group, and includes two restaurants, reception areas, and an auditorium seating over 1,000.


Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Méditerranée
13 prom Anglais,
06000 Nice

Exhibition Henri Dauman in Nice

The Exhibition Henri Dauman in Nice is held at the Musée Charles Nègre de la photographie in Nice, until May 26, 2024.

Exhibition Henri Dauman in Nice

exposition Henri Daumann à Nice : The Manhattan darkroom
Exhibition Henri Daumann in NiceThis Henri Dauman exhibition is subtitled: The Manhattan darkroom or in French: La chambre noire de Manhattan.

Featuring some 170 photographs by Henri Dauman, the exhibition is a comprehensive retrospective of contemporary American life.
We discover Andy Wharhol’s first exhibitions, the birth of Minimal Art, and the work of numerous precursors such as Merce Cunningham, Philip Glass and Walter Wendy Carlos.
Henri Dauman photographed artists such as jazz musicians, bringing out all their sensitivity and personality. Miles Davis, for example.
Henri Dauman is almost a photographer of the inner life of these characters.

But he also photographs personalities who have reshaped politics, or rather political communication, such as John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Henri Dauman also shows us minorities, such as the African-American women demonstrating against segregation in the United States.
It’s a kind of recent history of American society that unfolds before our eyes, in photos.

Who is Henri Dauman

Henri Dauman (1933-2023) was born in Montmartre. Orphaned at the end of the Second World War, he emigrated to New York to be reunited with an uncle.
The city fascinated him, as much by its architecture as by the life that went on there. He never stopped photographing it.
He began a career as a French correspondent for the French press. But he soon began contributing to American magazines, including the cultural supplement of the New York Times.
Henri Dauman brings a new perspective on America, a testimony to its cultural and social effervescence.

Practical information

Charles Nègre Museum of Photography
1, Place Pierre Gautier, near Cours Saleya in Vieux Nice

Open every day
except Mondays, December 25, January 1, Easter Sunday and May 1.

  • The museum: open from 10am to 6pm
  • The gallery: open 10am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 6pm

official website

Musée International d’Art Naïf in Nice

The Musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky in Nice, MIAN, is located at Château Sainte-Hélène, Avenue de Fabron. It presents the history of naive painting, from the 18th century to the present day. Its park is also worth surveying for the giant sculptures by Frédéric Lanovsky, but also for its herbarium.

Exterior of MIAN Anatole Jakovsky in Nice

The architectural style is Belle Epoque.
The museum is surrounded by a large park containing rare tree species. For the Museum’s 40th anniversary in 2022, the park registers new plantings and a herbarium. This herbarium is made up of flowers represented in the paintings featured in the MIAN’s works. The theme of La Biennale des Arts de Nice 2022 was therefore flowers.


Outdoors, the château’s gardens also feature works of art, the giant, highly colorful sculptures by Frédéric Lanovsky. Since summer 2009, artist Frédéric Lanovsky has been presenting his large, but somewhat strange, human sculptures. They bring cheerfulness thanks to their colors, and there’s also a hint of mischief… As you stroll through the park, you’ll discover them. And if you fall under their spell, you can always buy one, as they’re for sale.

Interior MIAN Anatole Jakovsky in Nice

The MIAN Anatole Jakovsky in Nice traces the history of naive painting from the eighteenth century to the present.
Included are paintings, sculptures, drawings and posters by Rimbert, Lefranc, Rabuzin, Ivan and Josip Généralic, Lackovic, O’Brady, Haddelsey, Ligabue, Vivancos and others.
Among the best known are works by Henri Rousseau,better known as Douanier Rousseau, Séraphine de Senlis, Grandma Moses, Antonio Ligabue, Ferdinand Desnos, etc.

The Collections

Note that in addition to the donation from Anatole and Renée Jakovsky, the city of Nice has since purchased some of the paintings.
In addition, the Centre Pompidou also lends works by Bombois, Bauchant, Vivin, Séraphine de Senlis… with the aim of enriching the collection of the Musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky in Nice
The Jean-Dominique Jacquemond donation, in 2015, is not to be outdone, as it enriches the Museum, with works by Gaston Chaissac, Anselme Boix-Vives, Barbiero, Forestier and Michel Macréau…

An exhibition saw the light of day in 2017, Pièces à Conviction.

Naïve art

Why then, naive?

Naïve art, quite simply because it’s spontaneous, far removed from academic codes. Through their works, artists invite the viewer on an imaginary journey. It’s the artist who defines perspectives and dimensions, without any rules. The colors are bright and the details precise. In some works, we also note a certain innocence, we also notice a note of humor on the part of the artist.

Musée International d’Art Naïf à Nice, exhibitions

Past exhibitions

EchO: exhibition from June 26 to October 25, 2021.
#enlargeyourlife: exhibition from July 17 to November 9, 2020.
#roseestlavie!… from November 22, 2019 to April 20, 2020.

The anniversary exhibition: from March 5 to December 31, 2022.
Biennale des arts de Nice 2022, Les Fleurs du Mâle: from June 11 to December 12, 2022.

Exhibition in progress

We’re all crazy until May 6, 2024
500 m2 just for Benjamin Vautier, aka BEN, and that’s for one year.

History of the Musée d’Art Naïf in Nice

Around 1860, banker Jean Honoré Gastaud bought the estate at the foot of Fabron hill in Nice. After the banker went bankrupt and the estate was divided up, it was François Blanc, founder and director of the Monaco casino, who bought the property, which was to become the Musée International d’Art Naïf in Nice.
It was also the former residence of parfumer François Coty, from 1922 to 1973. He named it Château Sainte-Hélène.

François Coty was a French perfumer and industrialist, founder of the Coty perfume company, but also a publisher, politician, press owner, art collector, mayor, etc.
After his divorce, it was his ex-wife Yvonne Lebaron who refurbished the house. In 1930, she asked Nice architect H. Malgaud to make changes to the building, including removing the decorations created by architect Aaron Messiah.
On April 6, 1973, Château Sainte-Hélène was sold by the daughter of François Coty to the city of Nice.
The Musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky is born thanks to the donation of around 600 works by Anatole and Renée Jakovsky in 1982.

Then inaugurated on March 5, 1982 as the Musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky in Nice.
For its 40th anniversary, it is undergoing embellishment work to welcome a fine program in 2022.

Useful information Musée International d’Art Naïf

Musée International d’Art Naïf Anatole Jakovsky à Nice
Château Sainte-Hélène
23 Avenue de Fabron
06200 Nice, France

Access Bus : 34 with stop : Deux Cyprès

January 2 to June 22 inclusive: opens at 11 am and closes at 6 pm
June 23 to October 15 inclusive: opens at 10 am and closes at 6 pm
October 16 to December 31 inclusive: opens at 11 am and closes at 6 pm
Closes: Tuesdays all day and on the following public holidays: 01/01, Easter, 01/05, 25/12,

Villa Kérylos in Beaulieu-sur-mer

Villa Kérylos is a classical Greek-style villa built in the 20th century for Théodore Reinach. Astonishing. So let’s visit it together, with photographs by Blandine Thn.

The “Greek” Kerylos villa

Villa KérylosThis villa is based on ancient Greek domestic architecture, as if its architect had lived several centuries BC.
Indeed, everything is Greek and antique.
The plans themselves, supervised by Théodore Reinach, are based on the structure of Greek houses. The rooms are entitled Thyrôreion (porter’s lodge), Proauleion (forecourt), Amphityros (vestibule), Peristyle (colonnade surrounding the inner courtyard), etc.

The peristyle

The peristyle is a gallery surrounding a space, in this case a square courtyard with a pool at its center. Frescoes cover the walls, illustrating episodes from Greek mythology.

The library

The library is a vast, lofty room with books that are barely visible. In fact, books from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries are kept in closed cupboards. Wooden doors and frescoes cover the walls. The floor is covered with a mosaic.
Note the antique-inspired three-legged tables.

The dining room

The octagonal dining room (triklinos in Greek) has also been reconstructed in the image of ancient Greek and Roman houses. Table beds surround the table. The beds have a wooden frame and interwoven leather straps, covered with cushions. So everyone ate lying down. This was the men’s dining room.
On the other hand, women and children had lunch and dinner in the adjoining living room for meals.

Mister’s bedroom

Erotès is the bedroom of Monsieur Théodore Reinach. The decoration features Eros, god of love. There’s also a mosaic of Dionysus on the floor, surrounded by dolphins. And Athena, goddess of war and wisdom, on the walls.
The bed is a model of the one found in Pompeii. The dominant red color recalls that of the palace at Knossos and the homes at Pompeii.

Madame’s bedroom

The Ornitès, Madame Reinach’s room, is dedicated to Hera, goddess of femininity and fertility. It features numerous representations of birds, notably swans and peacocks.
This is no coincidence, of course. The peacock is the animal emblem of Hera, goddess of femininity and fertility, and wife of Zeus. There’s a parallel here with Mme Reinach, wife of Théodore Reinach.
Once again, the room is structured and decorated as in classical Greece. But it has been modernized, albeit discreetly.
In fact, the room has an adjoining room. This is an open-air toilet with shower and a bathroom with bathtub, all fed by rainwater tank.

Furniture at Villa Kérylos

The furniture is entirely created for this villa. It is imagined on the basis of antique furniture, not just Greek. These are not copies of furniture, but antique creations. Armchairs, chairs, sideboards, tables, lighting fixtures – absolutely everything was designed for this house, by the greatest artists of the time.

The villa’s tableware

The tableware is no exception. Indeed, 150 pieces of ceramics are also unique, created by Emile Lenoble.

Decorating the Villa Kérylos

The decoration, too, was created in the same spirit, from the mosaic floor to the coffered ceiling, including painted walls and bay windows, embankments, columns, frescoes, mosaics and more.


The frescoes

The mosaics depict the myths of Theseus and the Minotaur in the labyrinth, marine elements (octopuses, dolphins, etc.), Triptolemus on his chariot bringing agriculture to mankind, etc.

The decoration is largely the work of Gustave-Louis Jaulmes and Adrien Karbowsky. The frescoes take up themes from Greek mythology: Apollo’s return from the land of the Hyperboreans, the death of Talos killed by Jason, the marriage of Pelops (who gave his name to the Peloponnesian peninsula) and Hippodamia, etc.

Who was Théodore Reinach, creator of the Villa Kérylos?

Théodore Reinach (1860-1928) was a member of parliament, professor of numismatics, specialist in ancient Greece, historian, archaeologist, art critic and more. He was so passionate about Greek civilization that he commissioned the architect Emmanuel Pontremoli to build an ancient villa.
On his death, he bequeathed the villa to the Institut de France. The building has since been managed by the Centre des monuments nationaux.

Practical information

Villa Kérylos
Impasse Gustave Eiffel
06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer

By bus: Bus 607 or 15, Kérylos stop.
By train: Beaulieu-sur-Mer station 10 minutes away.

Open from 10am to 6pm, May 2 to August 31
and 10am to 5pm, September 1 to April 30
Closed on January 1, May 1, November 1 and 11 and December 25.

Official website

Gardens of the villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

Jardin de la villa Ephrussi de Rothschild à Saint-Jean-Cap-FerratThe gardens of the villa Ephrussi de Rothschild surround and complement the villa’s refined interior. Baroness Beatrice wanted several types of gardens, as elegant as the interior of her palace.

We sometimes read that these gardens are best visited in spring. Mwah.
In our opinion, these gardens are pleasant and interesting at any time of year. Why is that? Because flowering is only of relative importance to the beauty and meaning of these gardens.

See also Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

The French garden

Baroness Beatrice loved to travel, as we’ve seen, and especially on her favorite liner, the Île de France. So, she wanted a garden in the shape of a ship’s deck from which she could see the sea on either side.
At the far end of the bow stood the Temple of Love. And she even pushed the similarity with a ship to the point of having half a dozen “sailors” “maneuver”, dressed as sailors and wearing red pompom berets.

The Florentine garden

The Florentine garden at the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild reflects the codes of Italian gardens: the garden opens up onto its natural surroundings. Plant life (cypress-lined driveways, remarkable trees), minerals (rocks, statues, pottery) and water are all present.

Always in keeping with refinement, at the center of this garden rises a statue by Jean-Baptiste Boyet, representing Zéphyr contrariant les amours d’une rose et d’un papillon.

The Spanish garden

This garden is an adaptation of the Alhambra garden. Indeed, it features many of the canals and arches dear to Islamic symbolism. A dolphin fountain stands in a grotto.

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

The Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat is one of the most beautiful on the Côte d’Azur. Nice-Riviera presents it to you, illustrated with photos by Blandine Thn.

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

The Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, also known as the Villa Ile de France, was built for Baroness Béatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild, between1907 and 1912.
The building betrays the baroness’s taste for the Italian Renaissance. She had several beautiful gardens laid out, magnificently overlooking the bay of Villefranche.

See also the gardens of the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

The patio

Béatrice held receptions on the large patio. It consisted of a vast, open central space, surrounded by arcades over which ran a gallery with Hispano-Moorish vaults and balconies.
The patio welcomed guests and, to entertain them, musicians played on the balconies. The galleries were used to display medieval and Renaissance collections.

A large salon

This large salon is a museum in itself. The walls are covered with 18th-century painted woodwork, completed in the 20th century. The floor is covered with a carpet bearing the cipher of Louis XV, i.e. the king’s monogram and the royal crown. This carpet was originally intended for Versailles.
The furniture is all Louis XVI period. They are signed by the greatest cabinetmakers of the period, Nicolas Parmentier, René Dubois and François Hache.
But, the gilded bronzes are also remarkable.
The ceiling is adorned with a marouflaged canvas by Tiepolo (1696-1770) depicting the chariot of Love pulled by doves.
The door to the boudoir and the top of the door come from Château d’Aunay, dear to Mme de Pompadour.
An Aubusson tapestry covers the sofa and armchairs, illustrated with La Fontaine’s fables.

Le petit salon

The small salon is more intimate, no doubt intended to welcome a few guests after dinner.
Its two alcoves invite quiet conversation.
It opens onto a marble terrace overlooking the formal garden.
Paintings on the walls are by François Boucher and Jean-Frédéric Schall.
Louis XV armchairs, a pedestal table with a gilded pewter top painted by Compigné, depicting the Palais Royal in Paris.
Everything is particularly precious, from the Sèvres vases and the ceiling painting by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini to the mantelpiece that once belonged to Marie-Antoinette.

Baroness’s private apartments

The bedroom

The baroness’s bedroom forms an oval projection, facing west. No doubt Beatrice could have admired the late summer sunsets from here.
Here again, the furnishings and decorations are particularly precious.
The 18th-century carpet, also oval, comes from the famous Aubusson factory.
But two small pieces of furniture intrigue. What are these two tiny, low armchairs?
Well, they were meant to house… Beatrice’s dog and mongoose.
On the chest of drawers to the right of the bed, signed Nicolas Petit, we discover the only portrait of Beatrice as a young woman.

The boudoir

The boudoir allowed Beatrice to isolate herself. She wrote on the secrétaire or Bonheur-du-jour, signed by one of the most famous 18th-century cabinetmakers: Jean-Henri Riesener.
In this boudoir, Beatrice could also entertain close friends.
The dresses are 18th-century.

The bathroom

Béatrice’s bathroom is original and, like everything else here, refined.
Its ceiling is in the shape of a rotunda, covered with a latticework of golden chestnut slats.
The walls are adorned with 18th-century painted woodwork. They conceal small rooms equipped with washbasin, dressing table and bidet.
The bathtub has unfortunately disappeared. It certainly stood in the center of the room and must have been particularly elegant.
We discover Beatrice’s toiletries, as she loved ocean liners. Her favorite was the Ile de France. Hence the villa’s nickname.

The other rooms of the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

The Art Nouveau staircase leads upstairs to the Directoire bedroom, salons and Meissen porcelain.

Directoire room

The décor of the Directoire room, paintings set in wood panelling, features motifs known as grotesques that were very popular during the Directoire period, between 1795 and 1799.
Floral coils, suspended central motifs, exotic animals such as ibises and monkeys. This type of decoration was inspired by the ancient decorations discovered in 1748 in the Pompeii excavations. They exerted a major influence on the art of the second half of the 18th century.

The Chinese salon

Chinese salon at the Villa Ephrussi Rothschild in Saint Jean Cap FerratThe Chinese salon is also typical of the taste for the exotic in past centuries.
A magnificent lacquered door from the imperial palace in Peking stands out.
And in the showcase, don’t overlook the collection of rose quartz and, above all, the very rare white jade.

The tapestry salon

You can guess where the name of this room comes from.
Beautiful tapestries from the Manufacture royale des Gobelins, based on cartoons by François Boucher.
They feature pastoral scenes as well as gallant ones, such as this young couple beneath a bust of Pan, the goat-legged god of nature.
The furniture is signed by France’s greatest cabinetmakers: René Dubois and Pierre Garnier.

Meissen porcelain

Le petit salon is a museum of porcelain. And more specifically, Meissen porcelain.
Founded in 1710, this royal porcelain factory produced the first fine porcelains, thanks to the kaolin that had just been discovered in Saxony.

The monkey salon

Here’s a show entirely dedicated to monkeys. Not so surprising. Why should it be?
Firstly, because monkeys were fashionable in the 18th century, once again for the exotic.
In fact, Beatrice owned two monkeys.
Secondly, because the Baroness loved the 18th century, appreciating its impertinence and delicately licentious side.
The décor is entirely devoted to monkeys, from the woodwork to the porcelain collections.
And it’s here, in these miniatures, that you’ll find the Meissen porcelain monkey orchestra. This orchestra, made up of musicians and a conductor, caused a scandal.
The conductor in pink pants and white fangs was recognized as the German minister von Brühl (1700-1763).

Who was Béatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild

Béatrice de Rothschild was born in 1864, to a father who was a regent of the Banque de France and an art lover. Her marriage to Maurice Ephrussi, a Parisian banker, turned out badly. The couple separated in 1904.
Inheriting her deceased father’s fortune, she bought a plot of land on which to build her house.

Practical information about the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
1 Avenue Ephrussi de Rothschild

By bus: line 15, “Passable – Rothschild” stop or line 607, “Pont Saint Jean” stop then about a 15-minute walk to the Villa.

Open daily
February 1 to October 31: 10am to 6pm. In July and August until 7pm.
November 6 to January 30: weekdays from 2pm to 6pm. Weekends and school vacations from 10am to 6pm.

Official website

Tintin exhibition in Nice

Tintin exhibition in NiceThe Alpes-Maritimes department is offering a major Tintin exhibition in Nice, from January 27 to June 30, 2024. It takes place in two different venues:
Hergé et l’art, at the espace culturel départemental Lympia
– and Tintin and Chang, at the Asian Arts Museum.

Exhibition Tintin à Nice : Hergé et l’art

This exhibition reveals the author, or rather the artist, Georges Remi aka Hergé. Many documents are on display, including original drawings, sketches and objects that once belonged to him, such as his drawing desk.
We also discover Hergé’s paintings, most of them abstract, as well as the artists who were his references, such as Louis Van Lint, for example.
Exceptionally, the exhibition also features plates from Hergé’s last comic book, Tintin et l’Alph-art, an unfinished work packed with artistic references.
Oh, I forgot, on the terrace stands THE famous rocket from Objectif Lune, which has become as famous as Tintin and Snowy.

Exposition Tintin à Nice : Tintin et Tchang

Tintin and Chang exposes Hergé’s relationship with his friend Chang, and more generally with China.
We can see certain documents, drafts of drawings, documentary books, which helped the author to present a China, without errors. Many original pages, drafts, original comics, i.e. copies published in the 30s.
And, of course, a great deal of documentation on Tchang, the real thing, the young Chinese student who introduced Hergé to China. Without him, Hergé would not have discovered Chinese civilization, or at least would not have understood and experienced it.
It’s worth noting that Hergé made it a point of honor to stay on the right track, so as not to present an erroneous China and lose the trust of his readers.

Practical information

Operation Moon rocket on the terrace of the Lympia departmental cultural space

Asian Arts Museum
405 Promenade des Anglais
Access: streetcar line 2, Parc Phoenix stop
Free admission

Espace culturel départemental Lympia
2 Quai Entrecasteaux
Access : streetcar line 2, Lympia stop.
Free admission

Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port church

Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port church is also known as the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Indeed, the church is dedicated to Mary.

L’église Notre-Dame-du-Port de Nice

The church of Notre-Dame-du-Port de Nice, was built during the reign of Sardinian King Charles-Felix (Carlo Felice), by architect Giuseppe Vernier, also responsible for the layout of the square on the Isle of Beauty.
However, with the work nearing completion, the church collapsed in 1845, due to the marshy subsoil. It had to be rebuilt, and was finally completed in 1863.

Architecture of the Notre-Dame-du-Port church in Nice

The façade of Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port is white neoclassical on the sea side, with 4 Ionic columns, a portico and pediment. It was added in 1896 by architect Jules Fèbvre, to plans by Vernier.

In 2014, the white facade with columns on the seaward side was renovated.

Then further work was undertaken, and after almost 2 years, we can once again admire its facade and bell tower, its original ochre color, on the town side, rue Fodéré.

His pediment

Atop its pediment is the statue of the Virgin Mary.

This dominates Nice’s Lympia port.

The Latin phrase inscribed on the pediment of Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port church, Maria sine labe concepta O.P.N means Mary immaculate, pray for us.

Interior of the Notre-Dame-du-Port church in Nice

In 1944, the ceiling of Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port church collapsed when the port was bombed. It wasn’t until the 1950s that it was rebuilt in reinforced concrete.

Fête de la Saint Pierre à Nice

Every year, during the Fête de la Saint-Pierre in Nice, a procession takes place through the old town towards the sea. It is organized by the fishermen’s guilds of Nice.

St. Peter is, of course, the patron saint of fishermen, who invoke his mercy on this occasion. Tribute is paid to him.

A mass is held at the Notre-Dame-du-Port church, then on the Ponchettes beach, a wooden boat is burned (that of the poorest fisherman, who wins a new boat in return).

Historic monuments and UNESCO World Heritage

Nice’s Notre-Dame-du-Port or Immaculate Conception church has been listed as a historic monument since 1991. It has also been part of Nice’s UNESCO World Heritage listing since 2021.

Practical information

Notre-Dame-du-Port Church, Nice
Place de l’Île de Beauté,
06300 Nice

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, mass is at 6pm.
Saturday, mass is at 5:30pm and Sunday at 10am.

Nice 2024 Carnival program

The Nice 2024 Carnival program is always varied, colorful, festive, in short, it makes you want to be there.
The theme of the Nice 2024 Carnival is: The King of Pop Culture. It takes place from February 17 to March 3, 2024, on Place Massena and around the Albert 1er garden.
This year’s Guest of Honor at Carnaval de Nice 2024 is the Aosta Valley Carnival.

Nice Carnival 2024 pre-carnival program

Nice 2024 Carnival ProgramBal Veglione

February 16, 2024, at .de Nice

  • From 7pm to 8:30pm: Viennese waltzes, by the Opéra de Nice orchestra. Free admission.
  • From 9:30pm, Disco, Pop/Rock then DJ Set with Mosimann. Admission charged.

Carnival Village

Vintage video game stalls, merry-go-rounds, wooden games, creative workshops, snack bar.
Every day, from 11am to 6pm
Square Leclerc, Promenade du Paillon

Nice Carnival 2024 program

Programme du Carnaval de Nice 2024Opening parade

Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm.
Place Massena, Avenue de Verdun, Promenade des Anglais, Avenue Max Gallo and return to Place Massena.
All the magic of colorful, illuminated floats, parading to music and a joyous festive atmosphere.

Grande journée Pop’ulaire

Sunday, February 18, 2024, at Théâtre de Verdure, Espace Jacques Cotta (Albert 1er garden).

  • Carnival race of café boys in Vieux Nice
  • Workshops and discoveries in the Carnival village
  • Frenchy Carnival brunch, music, Brunch at the Théâtre de verdure,
  • petanque, inflatable games, etc.

Battle of flowers

Floats parade by, entirely covered in flowers, which are thrown towards the public.
The famous flower battle takes place on Place Massena and around the Albert 1er garden, every Wednesday and Saturday, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, i.e.

  • Wednesday, February 21
  • Saturday, February 24
  • Wednesday, February 28
  • Saturday, March 2, 2024.

Lou Queernaval

France’s first gay carnival, organized by Nice’s LGBTQIA+ community, the city of Nice and the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis.
Place Massena.

Daytime carnival corso

Sunday, February 25, 2024
Grand parade of floats + the Parada Nissarda, Place Massena and around Jardin Albert 1er.

Night carnival parade

Saturdays and Tuesdays, from 8:30 pm to 10 pm approx.

  • Saturday, February 17,
  • Tuesday, February 20,
  • Saturday, February 24,
  • Tuesday, February 27,
  • Saturday, March 2, 2024.

Parade of colorful floats, with huge, cartoonish, sometimes caustic figures. We enter directly into the imaginary, accompanied by street performances.
Place Massena and around the Albert 1er garden.

K-POP Night

Korean music shows: dance, K-Pop, Dj Set, Korean food, etc.
at the Théâtre de verdure, Jardin Albert 1er.
Friday, March 1, 2024, from 4pm to 10pm.

Closing ceremonies

Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3, 2024.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

All the neighborhood carnivals get together for a big party, the Grande boum du Doudou. Music, confetti shower, recreational snack.
Promenade du Paillon – Square Leclerc
From 11am to 6pm

Incineration of the King of Carnival
Quai des États-Unis, opposite the Opéra beach
at 10:45pm

Sunday, March 3, 2024

From 10am to 12pm, grand bain du Carnaval (11:45am), open to all, accompanied by the famous Niçois pointus. Don’t hesitate to come in disguise.
12h buffet, registration on site, accompanied by the famous Niçois pointus.

Practical information

The Nice Carnival is not free, so you’ll need to reserve your seats.
Either seats in the Place Massena bleachers,
or tickets without seats, to attend the parades.
Children under 6 don’t pay BUT MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A FREE TICKET.

Addresses to find your way around:

    • Place Massena
    • Around the Albert 1er garden: Avenue de Verdun, Promenade des Anglais, Avenue Max gallo and back to place Massena
    • Théâtre de verdure : Jardin Albert 1er
    • Promenade du Paillon

Find out more about the Nice Carnival 

Official website
Tickets on sale here.

Exhibition Bande originale at Babazouk

The Bande originale exhibition runs at Babazouk 2 in Nice, until March 10, 2024.

Exhibition Bande originale at Babazouk 2

Bande originale exhibition at Babazouk 2

This exhibition brings together two artists from Nice, Geneviève Bozec and Richard Roux-Giuge.
Independently of each other, one works with wire, the other with brushes. And both use the computer in some of their creations.
They are brought together here, each bringing their own diversity and personality.

Geneviève Bozec

The creations of Geneviève Bozec are sculptures made from wool, linen rope or wood, skilful weavings that intertwine, complementing each other in large, light yet powerful forms.

Richard Roux-Giuge

Richard Roux-Giuge mainly paints life-size. On a canvas, he projects a character in action and paints with a brush, often in black and white. The result is a lively, original Street Art-style work.

Practical information

Galerie Lou Babazouk 2
5, rue Benoît Bunico in Vieux Nice.
Bande originale exhibition
until March 10, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 6pm.

Estienne d’Orves Nature Park in Nice

The Estienne d’Orves Park in Nice covers 15ha. It occupies former land belonging to the Estienne d’Orves family. It was named after Honoré Estienne d’Orves, a leading French Resistance fighter who was executed in 1941.

The Estienne d’Orves Park in Nice

This park was created in 2008, on one of the hills surrounding Nice, the colline saint Philippe, in the center of Nice. It occupies a former olive grove, of which there are still many beautiful specimens.
On the hill, you walk along dirt paths, staircases and trails, a bit like hiking in the mountains. It’s a park in the heart of the city, and a real change of scenery.
Note that the disabled are not forgotten. By contacting the park, they can have carriage access. On request.


From certain locations, you can see vast panoramas of the city of Nice: the Russian Orthodox church of Saint Nicolas, the train station, the Negresco hotel, the airport and, of course, the Bay of Angels.

Nature at Estienne d’Orves Park

Old olive trees stretch over a good part of the hill. There’s also a magnificent, venerable thousand-year-old olive tree. Its diameter at the base measures around 4m. There are many others of this age on the Côte d’Azur.
There are also carob trees, ash trees, pines, oaks and, among the climbing plants, hops.
These trees are also home to many birds, familiar to our countryside.

The two villas in the park

Villa Sorguebelle

The Villa Sorguebelle, above the Avenue Estienne d’Orves parking lot, dates back to 1740 and is not particularly attractive, yet it holds a special place in the region’s economic past. Indeed, this Sorguebelle villa was used as a citrus warehouse.

Villa Bellevue parc Estienne d'Orves à NiceVilla Bellevue

Villa Bellevue is located higher up than the previous villa. It’s the former home of Comte d’Estienne d’Orves, but unfortunately closed to the public and, let’s face it, not very attractive. Yet it was a beautiful villa, decorated with refinement.

The landscaping of the park

Parc Estienne d’Orves features a children’s playground near the avenue Estienne d’Orves entrance, above the lycée of the same name.

The park also features a picnic area and benches, scattered here and there, like those around the millennium oak tree.

Practical information

Avenue Estienne d’Orves
Corniche de Magnan

April 1 to October 31: 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
November 1 to March 31: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

bus: lines 64, 75; “Beausite” stop.
parking is located on boulevard Saint-Philippe

Official website
Official website map

2024 sports dates in Nice

The big 2024 sports dates in Nice are worth noting, for all sports fans. Here we mention amateur sports, or at least, where the very many amateurs come up against a few professionals.

Big 2024 sports dates in Nice

big 2024 sports dates in Nice = dates 2024 du sport à NiceJanuary 6, 2024: Prom’ classic. 10km race, timed or not.

April 21, 2024: Nice Half Marathon. A series of events for everyone, including families.

June 16, 2024: Iron Man. An XXL, long-distance triathlon.

June 21-23, 2024: Ultra trail d’Azur Mercantour. A trail, a race from mountain trails to the Promenade des Anglais.

July 20, 2024: Tour de France cycliste. Start of the penultimate stage on

July 21, 2024: Tour de France cycliste. Final time-trial finish of the Tour Monaco-Nice.

September 22, 2024: Women’s Iron Man.

October 2 – 6, 2024: 4 Trails Nice Côte d’Azur by UTMB. 4 trails of different distances and difficulties.

November 3, 2024: Marathon des Alpes-Maritimes. Starts from Nice.

This selection does not take into account local events, such as the Prom’ Swim, the Bain de Noël, etc.

Koss exhibition at Lou Babazouk 2 in Nice

The Koss exhibition at Lou Babazouk 2 in Nice presents original work that surprises and challenges.

Exhibition KOSS in Nice

Koss is an artist deeply rooted in humanity. She creates singular works from everyday objects, to which she gives real value. Her Box series is a good example. Transparent boxes contain everyday objects, with written words playing and casting their shadows.
Her Allumettes series is also well worth a look. Yes, matches, admittedly a little larger than the originals, symbols of human life… being consumed.

But on closer inspection, some of the paintings reveal a whole philosophy of life. We’re all matches, we’re all looking in the same direction. Oh no, there are always those who look the other way. And each of us, sorry, each match rises higher or lower, more or less consumed, more or less reflected on the ground, unless it’s our unconscious on which all our psychology rests.
As you can see, you can’t stop philosophizing with Koss.
An exhibition to savor slowly.

Practical information

Lou Babazouk 2
5, rue Benoît Bunico
from March 12 to 31, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm

Artist’s official website

And from Thursday, March 28, 2024, at Galerie Joha, 10 rue Delille, Nice

Carlos Gaspar Piagalta exhibition

The Carlos Gaspar Piagalta exhibition at Lou Babazouk is open until March 31, 2024, in Vieux Nice. If you want to admire original work, this is the place to go.

Exhibition Carlos Gaspar Piagalta in Nice

Carlos Gaspar Piagalta is a new kind of artist. Self-taught, he turned to art and charted his own course. His paintings are created from stitched leatherette. He doesn’t use animal leather, only alternative, more environmentally-friendly materials. Please note that he doesn’t use glue either. All the pieces are sewn together, creating a marquetry.
Carlos Gaspar Piagalta’s technique is unprecedented, and the results match his artistic talent. Indeed, his paintings include nods to Mondrian, Matisse and famous and admired personalities such as Karl Lagerfeld.
But Carlos Gaspar Piagalta doesn’t just create paintings. He also creates magnificent, highly original and well-thought-out handbags.

Practical exhibition information

See the works of Carlos Gaspar Piagalta and the artist himself at his exhibition venue:

Lou Babazouk
8 rue de la loge
from March 12 to 31, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm

Artist’s official website
Karl Backwell company website

Exhibition Robert Doisneau

The exhibition Robert Doisneau : le merveilleux quotidien is presented at the Musée de la photographie Charles Nègre in Nice. It runs from October 14, 2023 to January 28, 2024.

The exhibition Robert Doisneau : le merveilleux quotidien

Robert Doisneau exhibition: the wonderful everyday life at the Museum of Photography in NiceThis Robert Doisneau exhibition in Nice features 110 photographs. 78 of these are black-and-white photographs of the wonderful everyday life of Paris and its suburbs. The exhibition highlights 40 years of his career, from the 30s to the 70s.
Another section, Palm springs 1960, deals with the construction of a golf course in the middle of the Colorado desert. But beyond that, the life of the retirees who live there. These photos are in full color.
We are delighted by the photographer’s eye, always focused on the beautiful, the simple, the convivial, the unusual, the comical. Doisneau’s photographs are like an ethnographic study in which each person brings his or her own sensibility and share of dreams.

Who is Robert Doisneau

Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is one of the world’s most famous photographers. He owes his popularity to his photographs of everyday life. Robert Doisneau became a freelance photographer (1946 for the Rapho agency). He was then able to devote himself to his observation of everyday life, between two commissioned reports.
He worked for the most prestigious agencies, receiving numerous awards (Prix Kodak in 1947, Prix Nièpce in 1956, Prix du livre des rencontres d’Arles in 1979 and 1980, Prix national de la photogrpahie in 1980, Prix Balza in 1986, etc.). Major museums host his exhibitions (Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Modern Art of Oxford, Moscow Multimedia Art Museum, Festival des rencontres d’Arles, etc.).
In short, Robert Doisneau, through the quality of his sense of observation, is the photographer who will have had the greatest impact on his contemporaries, both French and foreign.

Practical information

Museum of photography
1 place Pierre Gautier
towards the flower market

Official website

Nice Jewish Cemetery

The Nice Jewish Cemetery is located in allée François Aragon. At the entrance is a cenotaph dedicated to Nice’s victims of the Holocaust.

Nice Jewish Cemetery

Before entering the Nice Jewish cemetery is a memorial or wall of deportees which lists the surnames, first names, ages and places of birth of 3602 victims deported from Nice’s two railway stations.

At the entrance to the Jewish cemetery stands a cenotaph with two urns. The first urn contains ashes from the gas chambers and crematoria of Auschwitz. Then, the second contains soap made from human fat by the Nazis.

The graves of the former Jewish cemetery, which already existed in the Middle Ages, have been transferred to this cemetery.

Some graves

Nice Jewish cemeteryChapelle Alfred Van Cleef

The chapel of Alfred Van Cleef, creator of the famous Van Clef et Arpels jewelry, stands out.

As for Salomon Arpels, he was Alfred’s uncle.

Sylvio’s tomb

It’s hard not to visit the grave of this boy, who died at the age of 7 1/2 in 1931. His parents built him a funerary monument decorated with what he had asked for on the eve of his death: a train, a car, a plane and a little tree…
The following epitaph is difficult to decipher:
To Sylvio
Justice would have it, our child
That it was up to you to lead us
One day to our final resting place.
Why then should we find ourselves
Standing in front of yours?
Miserable fate:
What have we done with you, O Sylvio:
So young, so handsome, so splendid and sublime
From the shadow into this shadow a cold ray
That’s all we have left…
And forever, forever!
A train, a car, a plane, a little tree
You asked us for this the day before you died
Here they are, alas, still and cold
But as inseparable
Of your tomb as is ours
Your last breath gathered
In the deepest folds of our souls
To us Sylvio!
Your parents

Tomb of the Ioseph and Isabelle L. Family by ROMANELLI Raffaëllo

This is a marble portico with broken columns, it is mostly dominated by sphinxes and to its left is the figure of Hope or Faith.

Architect Aaron MESSIAH

Aaron Messiah(1858-1940) was a French architect. He is known for the construction of the Villa Masséna but also other villas on the Riviera, etc.

Tomb of René Goscinny

René Goscinny (1926-1977) was a screenwriter and comic strip author. He was most famous for Asterix, but also for Le Petit Nicolas, etc. He was buried in the Montparnasse cemetery, then transferred to the Caucade cemetery in Nice. And finally to the Nice Jewish cemetery.
On his stele, adorned with the Star of David, we also note the name of his wife Gilberte (1943-1994), who is still in the Caucade cemetery in Nice.

Other information

Nice Jewish cemetery.
allée François Aragon (at the foot of the château hill)
06300 Nice

Opening hours

Every weekday from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm.

Carnaval de Nice exhibition

A Carnaval de Nice exhibition is being held at the musée Massena. It spans the entire 3rd floor.

Carnaval de Nice exhibition at the musée Massena

This exhibition explores the history of the Nice Carnival. A very ancient history. In fact, there is evidence of a carnival in Nice as far back as 1294! Charles II, Count of Provence and Duke of Anjou, travelled with his court to attend a Nice carnival.

The exhibition features posters, illustrations and medals from past carnivals. Note also the presence of musical instruments, fashioned from cougourdons (or cougourdes), a Nice specialty.

Beyond history, technique

What’s more, we discover huge parts of the old characters, like the head of the 2023 carnival queen and her skirt. And here, we immediately realize how gigantic the character is on her float, as both the head and the skirt are almost the height of the piece.

Finally, there are various videos from past carnivals.

exposition carnaval de Nice au musée Massena Practical information

Musée Massena
65 Rue de France
Near the Hotel Negresco

Every day, 11am-6pm, except Tuesday.

Our page on the carnaval de Nice
Official website

Exhibition by Robert Forte

The Regard sur les Alpes sauvages exhibition by Robert Forte runs until March 17, 2024. The Musée de la Photographie Charles Nègre features numerous landscape shots as well as the animals that populate the Alps.

Some photos

Who is Robert Forte?

Following a traffic accident, Robert Forte changed career direction because of his disability. A lover of the mountains, he turned to photography.
Robert Forte travels the Alps from north to south in search of a spectacle like skylights, different animals in privileged moments like hunting for food.


Don’t miss this beautiful exhibition, every photo catches the eye.

Useful information

Exhibition Regard sur les Alpes sauvages by Robert Forte at Musée de la Photographie Charles Nègre,

until March 17, 2024.

The ticket gives access to the Robert Doisneau exhibition, but also to the Robert Forte exhibition.


See Corsica from Nice

Can you see Corsica from Nice? It’s a question that often leads to the following answers:

  • No, because of the Earth’s rotundity
  • Yes, thanks to the refraction of light, a kind of mirage
  • Yes, you can see all of Corsica.

In fact, the truth lies somewhere between these 3 statements.

voir la Corse depuis Nice

See Corsica from Nice

The distant island and the rotundity of the Earth

As the crow flies, Corsica is about 170km from Nice. At such a distance, even when you’re high above Nice, Corsica disappears well behind the Earth’s curvature. That’s physics and mathematics. BUT…

This fact is calculated and verified at sea level zero. So you can’t see the foot of the island. However, in its north-western part, the part facing Nice, mountains rise to 2300, 2500m and even Monte Cinto to 2706m.

The heights of Corsica

These mountains, yes, because of their altitude, can be seen from Nice. So, in favorable conditions, you can make out the top of Corsica, say, very roughly from 1800 or 2000m. Anything below this altitude disappears from our view, due to the Earth’s rotundity.

Another theory

In meteorology, we’re all familiar with the Foehn and the Foehn effect. This is the wind that blows over the Corsican mountains. As it descends over the sea, it heats up and becomes more humid. The humidity reflects the Corsican coastline. This reflection, this “mirage”, occurs at an altitude of around 1,000m, making it possible to discern the island’s relief, despite the Earth’s rotundity.

The names of the Corsican mountains visible

Corsica views from Nice and the Corsican mountains
The Corsican mountains, photo Jean-Marc Foulquier, source of identifications: https://www.ovalp.com/fr/comprendre/panorama-hd-de-la-corse-vue-du-continent

The two islands to the east and the one to the west

The three “islands” (2 on the left, 1 on the right of the photo) are just 2300m peaks, so they’re visible. And the empty part has an altitude lower than 1800-2000m, so it doesn’t appear. So they’re not islands, but mountains in north-west Corsica.

What about the refraction of light then?

This well-known physical phenomenon must certainly play a part. Light propagating in curved lines across the surface of the globe should make the island appear a little closer than it is. But this “mirage” remains anecdotal.

The false Corsica from Nice

The island’s relief is easy to spot. Often, the image of Corsica is mistaken for mere fog. In which case, the relief doesn’t match and therefore, it’s not Corsica.

See Corsica from Nice

To distinguish Corsica from Nice, some conditions are necessary:

  • The weather must be fine.
  • The atmosphere must be dry, free of clouds, mists, suspended salt particles, etc.
  • The period and time are important too.

When to see Corsica from Nice?

When to go?

Winter is the best season to see Corsica from Nice, especially sunny dawns, those in December for example.

At what time?

The island can appear, depending on the time of sunrise, just before it appears on the horizon. The sky is illuminated, but the sun is not yet visible. As soon as it appears, the image fades very quickly and disappears rapidly, in 1 or 2 minutes.

Approximately, the island is visible 6 to 8 minutes before sunrise and 1 or 2 minutes after.

Nice’s 2023 Christmas market and illuminations

The Nice’s 2023 Christmas market and illuminations are back for this festive season.

Christmas illuminations in NiceThe 2023 illuminations in Nice

The city’s illuminations begin on November 26 at 6pm. Everyone admires the lights on the Promenade des Anglais, Place Massena, Vieux Nice, Avenue Jean Médecin and many other streets in all Nice neighborhoods. And this until January 7, 2024. They are effective from 5pm to 11pm.

The 2023 Christmas market in Nice

The Ferris wheel is illuminated every day and even in the evening. It provides wonderful sensations and also an opportunity to admire Nice from the sky.

45 chalets

The Christmas market hosts 45 chalets, spread over a vast area. And everyone can discover traditional Christmas decorations, artisan stands, not forgetting several regional gastronomy stands (Corsica, Alsace, etc).

Santa Claus’s house

Santa Claus is on hand, as he opens his house to children and their parents, from 11am to 8pm (Fridays and Saturdays until 10pm), throughout the Christmas market period.
He even promises to be present from 2pm to 7pm, every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.

Games, rides and inflatables

Numerous games, the famous antique merry-go-round in the Albert 1er garden and inflatable structures ensure a great time for the youngest visitors.

Entertainment and concerts

  • Traditional songs and Swedish sweets are offered on Wednesday, December 13.
  • Numerous concerts throughout the Christmas market period, starting at 2pm. Marjorie Martinez, Soulseption, Nils Indjein, Swing with the Ladies, Merry Mood, The Gobi’s and Chris Cadillac are already announced.
  • For young adults, DJ Ergo (December 14, 22 and 28) and DJ Afroman (December 15, 21 and January 4), from 6pm.

Dates for the 2023 Nice Christmas Market

The 2024 Christmas market takes place from December 7, 2023 to January 7, 2024.
It is open from 11am to 9pm (admission until 8pm), on Fridays and Saturdays until 11pm (admission until 10pm).
Please note: on December 24 and 31, open from 11am to 7pm (admissions until 6pm).

Christmas market prices

Free admission. Access is free of charge.

Location of the 2023 Christmas Market

As every year, it will take place between the Place Masséna and the Théâtre de Verdure in the Jardin Albert 1er.

The Christmas bath in Nicebain e Noël à Nice

Everyone is invited to the Christmas bath in Nice.
Sunday December 17 at 10:30 am, plage du Ruhl.
In their swimsuits, many swimmers get together for a festive swim. Why not join us?
The water temperature is around 12-14°. Nice’s famous “pointus” accompany this traditional event.

Nativity scenes

For believers who celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus, nativity scenes are present in churches.

Giant crib

Giant crib in Place Rossetti, with life-size automatons.
Open every day from December 7 to January 7, from 10am to 8pm.

Soazig Le Ruyet at Lou Babazouk 2 in Nice

Soazig Le Ruyet à Lou Babazouk 2Soazig Le Ruyet à Lou Babazouk 2 exhibits until December 17, 2023.

Soazig Le Ruyet at Lou Babazouk 2

Soazig Le Ruyet is a painter, with uncluttered works. Uncluttered but also deep, colorful and sober at the same time. With just a few touches of color, you can feel movement, silence, warmth and more.

You have to let yourself enter the canvas to discover a deeper meaning. It could be the artist’s meaning, it could be your own, it doesn’t matter. Once inside, you’re taken by the work.

Bravo to artist Soazig Le Ruyet.

Practical information

Lou Babazouk 2
5 rue Benoît Bunico
in Old Nice

Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-12pm and 1:30pm-6pm

Phoenix park in Nice

Parc Phoenix in Nice is a paradise for children. Both a small animal park and a botanical park, it is also of interest to curious adults. Parc Phoenix is 7 hectares of gardens and facilities, 2,500 different plant species, 7,000 square meters of tropical greenhouse 25 meters high, a zoo and other facilities.
But please note: Your pets are not accepted.

The Parc Phoenix wildlife park in Nice

There are many places to discover the animals. They are spread out over several areas, depending on their living conditions.

  • Perrots and other birds in aviaries
  • rose flamingos in the large greenhouse
  • paons in the wild
  • wildebeests in their enclosure
  • tortoises, crocodiles in their enclosure
  • insects
  • snakes, iguanas in their terrariums
  • ouistitis, lemurs in their aviaries
  • walabies (small kangaroos) in their enclosures
  • otters in their pond
  • etc.
    All these animals are returned to a natural environment that suits them and, generally, they are visible, apart from a few species that live rather hidden during the day.

The botanical park at Parc Phoenix in Nice

The park is home to many different botanical species. Botany enthusiasts will be delighted. Curious visitors will also be amazed to discover surprising plants and trees.
Several biotopes are recreated, showcasing species from different climates.

  • The oasis, a place covered with date palms, citrus trees and vegetable crops
  • the Provence, its small farmhouse, olive mill and olive trees
  • the citrus garden, with its citron, grapefruit, orange, lemon and mandarin trees
  • the pre-mammoth plants, ferns, ginkgo biloba, bald cypress, cycads
  • etc

Children’s playground

Part of the park is reserved for games for younger children.
There are slides, turnstiles, a mini merry-go-round and more.
Be sure to close the gate after passing through.

The tree climbing facility

A tree-climbing facility is also available for enthusiasts. This section is the only one in the whole of Phoenix Park to charge a fee in addition to admission.

The snack bar

Drinks and snacks are available in the snack bar, with outdoor seating.

Services to note

A changing area is available in the park’s two toilets.
Wheelchair or stroller loan, subject to availability.

Practical information

Parc Phoenix
Avenue Charles Buchet
From streetcar or most bus stops, entrance is by leaving Phoenix Park on the left and going around it.

Bus and streetcar line 2, Parc Phoenix stop
Train to Saint Augustin station

From 9:30 am to 6 pm from October 1 to March 31.
From 9:30 am to 7:30 pm from April 1 to September 30.
Open every day of the year (except December 25 and January 1).

Full price: €5.20
Reduced rate : 3€
Free for children under 12
Accrobranche supplement

When to go to Nice

Many people wonder when to go to Nice on vacation. For some, it’s to avoid the crowds, others the hot sun. For almost everyone, it’s best to avoid the rain. Or the cold. Because traveling during unfavorable weather can ruin your vacation.

So, when to go to Nice?

It’s a question every visitor asks. And, unfortunately, there’s no single answer for everyone.
It all depends on individual tastes and habits. For example, some people prefer summer because they don’t mind crowds and heat. But others prefer a cooler, less crowded season.
The choice is yours, because Nice can be visited in any season.

To guide you, here is the orientation of the weather in Nice:
Spring (February-May) has less rain than winter and starts earlier than elsewhere.
Summer (June-early October) appeals to those who love the world, lively places and warmth.
Fall (November-December) can be humid, with broad sunny spells. It’s a less frequented season. Some people like it for just that reason.
Winter (December-January) is quieter, mild and relatively sunny. It can be 5-9° in the morning and 10-12° during the day, or even more.

Let’s analyze the weather in Nice in more detail.

When to go to Nice: Nice weather in spring

When to go to Nice Nice weather in springSpring in Nice kicks off in late February, early March. In fact, after the cold of early February (the coldest month), temperatures rise again on sunny days, when nature turns green and blooms.
On the other hand, it’s also a season when it can rain.

  • April is the wettest month of spring, but with just an average of 69mm of rain in the month and 224h of sunshine!
  • May and June tip sharply towards fine weather.

When to go to Nice: Nice’s summer weather

Summer is a dream season in Nice. The Nice summer begins in June and lasts until October, when you can easily discover plants still in bloom. Very sunny then, but with bearable temperatures thanks to the wind.

  • June, July and August are very dry. They exceed 300h of sunshine in the month! Temperatures don’t rise above 27°, except possibly on a few scorching days, with no wind.

When to go to Nice: Nice weather in autumn

When to go to Nice Nice weather in autumn

Autumn arrives late in Nice, say during November and December. But autumn is also the rainiest season. It’s the season of rain, often interspersed with broad sunny spells.

  • November is the wettest month with 132mm of rain but still 187h of sunshine!

When to go to Nice: Nice weather in winter

Winter is another blessed season. It’s worth remembering that tourism in Nice first developed as a winter resort, particularly for the British and Russians. After all, autumn rains diminish considerably and sunshine increases. Temperatures rarely dip below zero, but rather hover around 5°.

  • February sees just 44mm of rain, March, 38mm. Sunshine is respectively 171 and 217h.

See also Christmas, New Year and Nice’s illuminations

The sea temperature in Nice

The Mediterranean Sea is a relatively warm sea. On average in Nice, it rises from 13° in winter to 25° in summer. This means that bathers can be seen all year round, winter included. So, even in the dead of winter, beachgoers shouldn’t forget their swimsuits and sunglasses.

Storms in Nice

Rest assured, they are in no way characteristic of Nice’s weather, and even less problematic. They’re nothing like those on the Atlantic or North Sea coasts. The sea is certainly rough at times. The wind blows hard. It rains. But it’s always short-lived, lasting from a few hours to a few days.
Nevertheless, storms in Nice remain relatively spectacular, which is why they deserve this special chapter on our page. Just for fun.

Omar Logang, painter in Nice

Omar Logang is an artist of Sudanese origin, living in the Nice region. He paints Nice and its beauties, to which he knows how to bring out Nice’s luminosity.

Urban landscapes by Omar Logang

These works naturally evoke the emblematic sites of Nice, the Promenade des Anglais, the Negresco hotel, the Ponchettes, the port, etc. These paintings are not simple reproductions of reality, as photos would be. No, Omar Logang brings his own interpretation and sensitivity to them. He forces us to rediscover places.
Nice, of course, but also Mali, Morocco and Spain.

People in Omar Logang’s paintings

Omar Logang doesn’t just paint landscapes. He loves people. He paints them in everyday scenes, like these chess players in Spain, in the shade of tall trees. Or these Malians, men and women at the market or working the land. Or the bathers on the beaches of Nice. It’s an everyday life that opens up before us. Sometimes with looks that call out to us. It’s amazing how distant some of the characters seem, and can give the impression of a certain isolation.

Who is Omar Logang

Omar Logang was born into a family of Sudanese artists. He left southern Sudan to settle in Europe, first in Spain, where he studied art and obtained his nationality, then in France.

I could live without eating, but not without painting

He lives for painting. Doesn’t he say, “I could live without eating, but not without painting“.
In Nice, he paints outdoors, often in large format. He is regularly seen on the Promenade des Anglais, especially in the morning. He’s very sensitive to light, and can pinpoint the best exposure over time.
He has exhibited in Spain, Austria, Morocco, Sudan, Mali and elsewhere. And very regularly in Nice.
His work can be found in Italy, Germany, the UK, Russia, the USA and France, of course.

Practical information

Official website

Catherine Ségurane

Catherine Ségurane is a 16th-century heroine from Nice. Her existence is controversial, but fortunately, legends are sometimes stronger than history. Especially as she may not be just a legend.

This page is inspired by the exhibition
Héroïque Catherine Ségurane, figure légendaire de Nice,
at the Musée Massena in Nice, October 2023-January 2024.

Catherine Ségurane

Catherine Ségurane was born into a modest family in Nice, perhaps around the beginning of the 16th century. Some say her father was a fisherman. Catherine, on the other hand, was a bugadière, or washerwoman. She is also said to have been a Maufaccia (in Nicoise), i.e. ugly.

She would therefore have led an obscure, unremarkable life, with nothing to make her stand out.
But in 1543, the French king François I, allied with the Turk Barbarossa, sought to conquer Nice, then part of the Duchy of Savoy. On August 1543, 120 Turkish galleys, under the command of Barbarossa himself, reinforced by 4 batteries of French troops and numerous soldiers, attacked the city.
The battle was fierce. However, the walls surrounding the city were unable to withstand the Franco-Turkish assault, and several breaches in the wall were finally opened. Through one of them, an Ottoman tried to plant his flag.
And that’s when Catherine Ségurane stepped in. Armed only with her clothes peg, she struck the unfortunate man’s skull so hard that he lost his life. Some say he was simply knocked out. Catherine Ségurane, in a rage, tore the flag and broke the staff. As a result, the enemy flag did not fly over the walls of Nice. This heroic action strengthened the resistance of the people of Nice, who were awaiting reinforcements sent by Charles III, Duke of Savoy. Alas, the town was taken by the attackers. But not the castle.
Finally, in September 1543, Charles III’s troops arrived and put the Franco-Ottomans to flight. The bravery of the washerwoman would not be remembered until some years later.

Did Catherine Ségurane exist, yes or no?

Her existence is controversial for several reasons. Here we give you the arguments of the skeptics and those of the supporters of her existence.

There is no trace of her birth in the parish registers that held the place of civil status.
At the time, declarations of birth were not yet compulsory. What’s more, in 1793, many documents were dispersed and lost. But the Segurans did exist in Nice. Finally, the name Catherine Ségurane may not be the right one, but the person did exist.

Direct witnesses to the battle say nothing of Catherine Ségurane’s action, such as Jean Badat (1516-1567). Nor does Pierre Lambert, President of the Accounts Chamber of the Dukes of Savoy.
The witnesses can only know a small part of the battle, where they were. They don’t witness everything that happened everywhere.

A woman, among men-at-arms, you wouldn’t think of it!
Women have always helped fighters, particularly on the ramparts, in Nice as elsewhere. We know of other women who have distinguished themselves in this way.
Marie Fouré (siege of Péronne, August 1536), Philis de la Charce (defense of the town of Nyons, 1692), Jacqueline Robins (siege of Saint-Omer ,1710), Félicité and Théophile Fernig (against Austrian armies, 1792), Agustina Domenech, known as Agustina d’Arago (defense of Saragossa, 1808), Jeanne Laisné, known as Jeanne Fourquet or Jeanne Hachette (defense of Beauvais, 1785), Virginie Chesquière (27th line regiment of Napoleon’s army, 1768), not to mention Jeanne d’Arc, etc.

The symbol of Catherine Ségurane

Whether she existed or not, she nonetheless remains the symbol of Nice resistance. At the time, resistance to the French and loyalty to the Duchy of Savoy. But also resistance to any invader of the Comté de Nice. Many former Nice residents feel more Nice than French or Italian.
She is also a symbol of the forgotten place of women in history.
A large bas-relief still stands in her memory on rue Saincaïre in Nice.

This page is inspired by the exhibition
Héroïque Catherine Ségurane, figure légendaire de Nice,
at the Musée Massena in Nice, October 2023-January 2024.

Julie Hascoët: Carrara, the twilight of the mountain

The exhibition Julie Hascoët : Carrare, le crépuscule de la montagne is presented at the Musée de la photographie Charles Nègre in Nice. It is on view until November 5, 2023.

The exhibition Julie Hascoët: Carrara, the twilight of the mountain

This exhibition features images by photographer Julie Hascoët. Carrara is a part of Tuscany, but far from the tourist clichés, far from the hills planted with olive trees, far from the winding cypress-lined roads, far, far from the Tuscan quality of life.
Carrara is a marble quarry. The gutted mountain, the machinery, the extraction roads. But Carrara is also the birthplace of Tuscan anarchism. In just a few photos, Julie Hascoët recreates these spaces and gives us the impression of a heavy headlong rush.

Who is Julie Hascoët

Julie Hascoët was born in Douarnenez. a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles.
But she’s also a publisher, concert and exhibition organizer. In short, she’s a multi-talented artist. Although, if you think about it, her field is human life, particularly life on the margins, reappropriated or abandoned spaces, ephemeral creations of life, reinvented micro-societies.
Borderline life, old mine entrances devoured by vegetation, human settlements for wild concerts, the memory of prison inmates’ places, Julie Hacoët is interested in everything that is banally human.
For her, photography is an energy stirring matter (including human matter) and time.

Practical information

Galerie du Musée de la photographie Charles Nègre
1, Place Pierre Gautier
(near the Cours Saleya flower market, Vieux Nice).

Until November 5, 2023
from 10am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 6pm

Exhibition Catherine Ségurane

The exhibition Héroïque Catherine Ségurane. Legendary figure of Nice, is held at the Musée Massena, from October 13, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

The exhibition Héroïque Catherine Ségurane. Legendary figure of Nice

Catherine Segurane à NiceThe Musée Massena in Nice already offers documents on Catherine Ségurane in its permanent collections.
This exhibition at the Musée Massena in Nice features a wealth of objects, engravings, paintings and documents about this Nice celebrity.
But did she really exist?
Here again, the exhibition is based on historical evidence of a revolt by the beleaguered people of Nice, and the heroic deeds of one or more women.
In short, the exhibition Héroïque Catherine Ségurane. Legendary figure of Nice gives you food for thought.
In the end, whether she existed or not is perhaps not the most important thing. What matters is the image she conjures up of a courageous people.

Who was Catherine Segurane

Catherine Segurane was from Nice, a woman from a modest background. Perhaps a bgadière, a washerwoman. But her exceptional fate made her the idol of many in Nice.
Nice was then part of the Duchy of Savoy. In 1543, the city of Nice was besieged by Franco-Ottoman troops. They had succeeded in penetrating the citadel on the hill, but had not taken control of the castle. An Ottoman was about to plant his flag on a hill. It was then that Catherine Ségurane struck him with a heavy blow from a clothes beater, killing him on the spot.
This gesture galvanized Nice’s resistance fighters, as they awaited help from Charles II, Duke of Savoy, who finally arrived to save Nice.
To save Nice? Not really, since it was Catherine Ségurane who gave the signal for resistance to the Franco-Ottomans.
Since then, she has been regarded as a muse of the people of Nice.

Practical information

Musée Masséna
65, rue de France
Entrance possible via the garden on the Promenade des Anglais, right next to the Hotel Negresco.
Tickets must be purchased first at Rue de France, before entering the museum.

Streetcar line 2, Alsace-Lorraine stop
Bus 12, stop Gambetta-Promenade or Congrès-Promenade

Opening times

From October 13, 2023 to January 7, 2024
Every day except Tuesday, December 25 and January 1.
From 10am to 6pm until October 31st.
From 11am to 6pm from November 1 to April 30.

Official website
Online tickets

7th Promswin : Tout Nice nage

The 7th Promswin: Tout Nice nage is a series of open-water swimming events. They take place on October 7 and 8, 2023, on the Ponchettes beach in Nice.

The Promswin in Nice in 5 events

5 individual swimming events, on courses of 500m, 1km, 2km, 5km and 10km.
Note that the 10km is the equivalent of crossing the Baie des Anges. It also amounts to attempting the future 2024 Olympic marathon.

Practical information

7e Promswin : Tout Nice nageThe events take place on the Ponchettes beach, at the foot of the Promenade des Anglais, at Les Ponchettes; Cours Saleya or Vieux Nice if you prefer.

Official website

Pink October 2023 in Nice

Pink October 2023 in Nice takes place from October 8.

octobre rose 2023 à NiceOctobre rose 2023 à Nice, Dimanche 8 octobre 2023

A race without a stopwatch or competition takes place along the Promenade des Anglais. It consists of a run to Carras (7 kms) and a walk to Lanval (5 kms).
You don’t have to be an experienced runner, nor do you have to finish first, just take part. And preferably dressed in pink.

Registration: €12
SOS Breast Cancer


The LOU BABAZOUK 2 gallery in Nice is located at 5, rue Benoit Bunico.
Currently and until September 24, 2023, it presents artworks produced by children’s groups.

Why visit Galerie LOU BABAZOUK 2 in Nice?

A visit to Galerie LOU BABAZOUK 2 in Nice is a must, simply to find sparkling, original works created by groups of children.
Parents seem to be very proud of their offspring as they happily make their way to this exhibition. Among these children, perhaps some will be future Nice artists? Why not?
Through their works, the viewer quickly realizes that children are not insensitive to art.

The children’s view of these artists is fresh, and the works created are colorful and cheerful.

A painting that represents the children’s guestbook of sorts is also on view.

City of Nice leisure centers

This summer, children taking part in the City of Nice’s Leisure Centers were introduced to Art. The children were asked to imagine a work of art, often involving the association of two artists. We note, for example, Yves Klein seen by Matisse and vice versa, but also César by Niki de Saint Phalle, etc. Sabine Géraudie even visited the site, with the aim, of course, of admiring the children’s works. And perhaps also to discover the creations of her blue chair (Sabine Géraudie by Jérémy Besset but also Sabine Géraudie by Faben).

Galerie LOU BABAZOUK 2 à NiceExhibition presentation

At the “Les p’tits Artistes de Cassini” arts and cultural center, 1,000 children aged 3 to 12 had fun and experimented with different techniques such as painting, drawing, sculpture and photography.
The children had fun painting, cutting out, gluing, drawing and coloring, as well as sculpting, and more. Each of them was able to give free rein to his or her imagination.
Both the educators and the children enjoyed and had a lot of fun with this exercise.

Practical information

Galerie Lou Babazouk 2 is located at 5, rue Benoît Bunico, Nice.
Exhibition by children from leisure centers until September 24, 2023, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 6pm.

Jazz Festival 2023 in Nice

The Jazz Festival 2023 in Nice will take place in Nice, from July 18 to 21, 2023, with, as every year, a magnificent program: Herbie Hancock, Juliette Armanet, Tom Jones, Matthieu Chedid, etc. Fans will be able to listen to 24 great artists of the international scene.

Jazz Festival 2023 in Nice Program

Nice Jazz Festival 2023

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday, July 18 – Théâtre de Verdure – 19:30

Tuesday, July 18 – Théâtre de Verdure – 20:45

Tuesday, July 18 – Théâtre de Verdure – 22:30

Tuesday, July 18 – Masséna – 20:00

Tuesday, July 18 – Masséna – 21:15

Tuesday, July 18 – Masséna – 23:00

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday, July 19 – Théâtre de Verdure – 7:30 pm

Wednesday, July 19th – Théâtre de Verdure – 8:45pm

Wednesday, July 19 – Théâtre de Verdure – 22:30

Wednesday, July 19 – Masséna – 20:00

Wednesday, July 19th – Masséna – 21:15

Wednesday, July 19th – Masséna – 23:00

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday, July 20 – Théâtre de Verdure – 7:30 pm

Thursday, July 20th – Théâtre de Verdure – 20:45

Thursday, July 20th – Théâtre de Verdure – 22:30

Thursday, July 20th – Masséna – 20:00

Thursday, July 20th – Masséna – 21:15

Thursday, July 20th – Masséna – 23:00

Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday, July 21 – Théâtre de Verdure – 19:30

Friday, July 21 – Théâtre de Verdure – 8:45pm

Friday, July 21 – Théâtre de Verdure – 22:30

Friday, July 21 – Masséna – 8:00 PM

Friday, July 21 – Masséna – 9:15pm

Friday, July 21 – Masséna – 23:00

NJF sessions 2023

Wednesday May 03 – Stockfish – 20:00

Thursday, May 25th – Théâtre Lino Ventura – 20:00

Thursday, June 08 – Théâtre National de Nice – La Cuisine – 20:00

Jam Official Sessions of the Nice Jazz Festival

Radisson Blu Hotel, Nice
Bar le 223
223, promenade des Anglais 06200 Nice

Practical information

Nice Jazz Festival 2023


Streetcar T1 : Stop Massena or Opéra-Vieille ville
Streetcar T2 : Jean Médecin stop


Full price 45 €.
Preferential rate 40 € until May 2, 2023
Youth ticket from 16 to 24 years old32 €.
Free for children under 3 years old
Children’s ticket from 3 to 9 years old: 5 €.
Child rate from 10 to 15 years old €20

Official website

Beaches of Nice

Beaches of Nice stretch from the Quai des Etats-Unis to the airport. That’s around 5km of beaches.
And for another (small) part, they’re on the other side of the port, towards Mont Boron.

Beaches of Nice

Beaches of NiceOn the Quai des Etats-Unis – airport section, the beaches are partly private, partly public. Note that there are fewer private beaches than public open spaces. And each private beach leaves a 3m clearance along the seafront.
All beaches are covered with pebbles. These have their detractors as well as their adepts. To each his own. Pebbles are less invasive and cleaner than sand. But they’re also harder to cross or lie on.
In the area beyond the port, towards Mont Boron, the beaches of the Bains militaires, the plage de la Réserve, the plage Coco Beach (in the rocks) and the plage de la Plateforme cover a relatively modest surface area. But these less-frequented beaches have their regulars.

Authorized / prohibited

Dogs and other pets are prohibited on beaches, except those authorized. See below.

Motor vehicles are prohibited, except for work.

Picking up and carrying away pebbles is prohibited.

It is forbidden to practice wild camping or bivouac by the sea. No tents to spend the night. But you can sleep on the beach, under the stars, without a tent.
Smoking is allowed on beaches, except those without tobacco. See below.

We can practice toplessness, but not nudism.

Supervised beaches in Nice

Some beaches are supervised by lifeguards in summer, generally from early June until mid-September. The supervised beaches are:

  • Carras
  • Sainte Hélène
  • Magnan
  • Poincaré
  • Florida
  • Forum
  • Lido
  • Centennial
  • Beau rivage
  • Ponchettes
  • Coco Beach beyond the harbor

Dog beaches

During the summer, dogs and other pets are only allowed on Nice’s designated beaches. Outside summer, the ban remains in force, but dogs are tolerated on many beaches.
Here are the Nice beaches where dogs are allowed:

  • beach of la Lanterne,
  • the one of Lenval
  • and Carras beach.

Disabled beaches in NiceThe disabled beaches

Disabled people in wheelchairs benefit from a special area. Gentle descent and hard surface for circulation. Disabled beaches are located

    • on the Centenaire beach, opposite the Albert 1er gardens (The floor slab was damaged and fractured by storm Aline on October 19, 2023).
    • and Carras beach, to the west


Non-smoking beaches

Several beaches are non-smoking. These are

  • beach of centenaire
  • the one of Bains Militaires,
  • the one of Lenval.

Sports beaches

  • The Opéra beach allows parasailing.
  • Blue Beach offers parasailing and towed buoys.
  • The Ponchettes beach in summer hosts 2 beach volleyball courts, with fine sand floors.
  • Some kitesurfers launch from the Magnan beaches, to the west.
  • From the port, initiations to scuba diving are organized.

Odyssey and Ulysses in Nice

The Odyssey and Ulysses dominate Nice ‘s Castle Hill. Indeed, beautiful mosaics evoke the work of Homer, in connection with Nice’s Greek origins.

Evocation of the Odyssey and Ulysses

Odyssey and Ulysses in Nice

On the castle hill, leading to the large terrace overlooking the port, a few mosaics adorn the steps.

They evoke Homer’s Odyssey and the adventures of Ulysses.

In the 1960s, Charles Catherin, chief architect for the City of Nice and a Greek culture enthusiast, came up with the idea for this pavement. He designed the motifs.
And it was another Nice municipal employee, mason Honoré Gilly, who created the mosaics. They are made up of tesserae of tiles and pebbles.


Origins de Nice

Nice has distant Greek origins, since the Greeks built a port at the foot of the hill. See our page on the history of Nice.

The locality’s name is attested in the forms Nicaea [oppidum] in the 1st century AD. C.; Nikaia in the II century; Nicaea, Nicia in the ive century; [fratribus] Niciensi in 1119; Niza in the XIII century; Nisse in the XIVe century, Niça in 1436 (Occitan form).
The toponym is derived from the Greek word (thea) nikaia “that gives victory “. Nikaia is an epithet attached to the name of a deity, perhaps Artemis or Athena, honored in Marseille. It would therefore be one of the many Greek toponyms of the Mediterranean coast (cf. Fos, Antibes, Agde).

Richard Orlinski in Nice

Richard Orlinski exhibits in Nice, from June 8 to September 30, 2023. Ten statues by the artist are scattered around the city.

Richard Orlinski in Nice, throughout the summer of 2023

From June 8 to September 30, 2023, you can search for them with ease, since its statues are giant and colorful. A real treasure hunt to organize with the whole family. See our map below.

Map of Richard Olinski’s works in Nice

Map of the locations of Richard Orlinski’s works in Nice, by Nice-Riviera. 

Richard Orlinski in Nice:
1 Gambetta, Negresco
2 Quai des États-Unis,  
3 Place Masséna,
4 Basilique Notre-Dame,
5 Gare du Sud, 
6 Square Leclerc, Promenade du Paillon
7 Parc du monastère de Cimiez
8 Place Jacques-Toja, Garibaldi
9 Place Île-de-Beauté, le Port
10 Rauba-Capeu, Colline du Château


Richard Orlinski

His debut

Richard Orlinski is a French artist, sculptor, but also musician, he  was born on January 19, 1966 in Paris. Art counted very early in Orlinski’s life. In 2004, he made his first sculpture, then gradually began exhibiting his work in various galleries. He collaborates with chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin, chef Frédéric Anton, Daum crystalware, Christofle goldsmiths, etc.


Richard Orlinski and Make a wish

In 2012, Richard Orlinski executed several crocodiles for Make a wish. This charity aims to grant the wishes of children aged 3 to 18 suffering from a serious illness. Richard Orlinski is an artist with a big heart; by auctioning unpublished works, he brings happiness and dreams to sick children.
In 2022 he is the sponsor for the auction of Janod France rockets in aid of the Make-A-wish France association. 

Richard Orlinski is a singer as he has also collaborated with Akon and Eva Simons. Video Richard Orlinski, Eva Simons with the track Heartbeat.  

In 2016, he produced the “W9 d’Or” music ceremony trophy with Wild Kong. Then, in 2017, he starred in Francis Renaud’s film Les Effarés. Some of his works, including the Kong, are even on display in the villa of the reality TV show Les Anges.

Also during this year  2017, he opens his first Galerie Orlinski, which is located at 68 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in the 8ᵉ arrondissement of Paris.
Then, in 2018, Richard Orlinski designs the trophy  for the winner of the Formula 1 French Grand Prix. His work named Kong brandishes a Pirelli brand tire, and can be found in blue, white and red.

On June 17, 2019, Richard Orlinski presents a one-man-show Tête de Kong at the Olympia in Paris.

Following the success of his first gallery, he created others in Paris, London, Courchevel, Saint-Tropez, Miami and New York.
In 2021, he was made an Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the Minister of Culture.

Richard Orlinski’s setbacks

A large number of art lovers and enthusiasts appreciate the artist, on the other hand, in the contemporary art world, Richard Orlinski is much criticized. Several artists have already accused him of forgery. First, Orlinski was condemned in 2010 for counterfeiting a light table by the artist Yves Klein. Then, in 2013, French artist Xavier Veilhan took legal action against him, but without success. Then, in June 2019, the French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into money laundering and tax fraud. A former collaborator, Antony Gébrier, accuses the artist of having concealed certain income from the French tax authorities. As a result, Bercy organizes a tax audit.
Success makes people envious, jealousy or not, this artist, adored by some, also arouses the hatred of many others. Richard Orlinski’s works of art are vivid, beautiful and timeless, capable of arousing the wonder of young and old alike.

Richard Orlinski in Venice

In 2022, Richard Orlinski exhibited at the Giardini della Marinaressa in Venice. Visitors discover twelve monumental sculptures that give the impression of being alive. They are colorful, gigantic in size, colorful and timeless. 

Richard Orlinski in Nice, during Carnaval 2023 

Already on February 09, 2023, Orlinski exhibited a 3-meter, yellow gorilla statue. For the duration of the Nice Carnival, you couldn’t miss it. It was installed on the coulée verte, Square Leclerc in Nice.


Cuir cousu main in Nice

This little Cuir cousu main workshop-boutique in Nice lives up to its name. It’s real leather craftsmanship offering handmade, solid, beautiful and original.

Cuir cousu main in Nice, Handmade leather

Roberto presents a wide range of handbags for men and women, lightweight leather shoes, belts and many smaller items such as purses, original key rings, bracelets, necklaces and more.
All items are made in leather, on site.

How about a personalized item?

Since everything is made on site, you can also request a customized item to your dimensions: a photo bag, a belt pouch, a suitcase tag, etc.? Why not?

Hand-sewn leather in NicePractical information

Cuir cousu main
6 rue Saint Gaëtan
near the Prefecture
in Vieux Nice

Official website

Isabelle Decoster, Petit pan de mur jaune

The Petit pan de mur jaune is an artist’s studio by painter Isabelle Decoster, in Nice. Of course, the studio’s name refers to Ver Meer’s Vue de Delft and Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu. But what do we find in this artist’s studio?

The Petit pan de mur jaune à Nice

Atelier d'artiste Petit pan de mur jaune à Nice Visual artist Isabelle Decoster’s atelier-boutique is well-stocked and colorful. There are as many oil paintings as watercolors, as many gouaches as charcoals, as many acrylics as inks, as many pencil works as collages, and so on.
This diversity of techniques is matched by a wide range of inspirations. Landscapes, the human body, flowers, but also movement, abstraction and more.
This workshop-boutique is like an Ali Baba’s cave, waiting to be discovered.

Isabelle Decoster

Isabelle Decoster lives and works in Nice. A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Lille and the Ecole Supérieure d’expression Plastique de Tourcoing, she has always drawn and painted, according to her sensibility and passions. She also teaches, and to do so, she practices various techniques.
That’s why, when you visit her studio, you’re struck by the diversity of her inspiration and techniques.
Today, she continues to explore her art and offers workshops, for beginners and experienced alike.

Practical information

Petit pan de mur jaune
3 rue Saint Joseph
in Old Nice

Isabelle Decoster’s official website 
Official website of the workshop and courses.

Comptoir de la rose in Nice

In Vieux Nice, you’ll find an exceptional boutique, the Comptoir de la rose, based entirely on products made from… roses. Roses grown without pesticides, and regularly tested for heavy metals. That gives you confidence.

Comptoir de la rose

Comptoir de la roseThe rose, you know. It’s that flower known since antiquity and transformed, hybridized to give over 3,000 cultivars. But it’s the Centifolia rose that remains the queen of perfumers’ rose fields. The queen, but not the only one, of course. Centifolia is accompanied by Rose Tango (or Rose de Vence) and Rose de Damascena, for example.

And if mankind has always sought to use its fragrance, Comptoir de la rose has decided to sublimate the rose, in all its forms, to let you discover it in surprising, original and very gourmet forms.

Perfumes and cosmetics

Of course, there are perfumes and cosmetics.
Rose eau de parfum is beautifully delicate, fragrant and long-lasting. For men and women alike.
But rose also provides its benefits in the form of scrubs, bath salts, shower foam, etc.

Eternal roses

But Comptoir de la rose also offers eternal roses. That is, compositions of real rose petals that never age.

Gourmet food

Beverages like special beers or rose-flavored rums, or liqueurs. And a whole range of delicatessen items: salt, pepper, garlic confit à la rose, tomato confit, petal jam, honey, syrup, crystallized petals, olives à la rose, etc. Not forgetting teas and infusions.

Ambient fragrances

Rose is an excellent way to perfume home interiors, in home fragrances, sprays, candles and more.

In short, Le Comptoir de la rose is a whole new and oh-so-pleasant universe…

Rose picking

Nothing to hide, just a love of roses to pass on. When we tell you that roses are grown in the Grasse region, it’s true. And you can even take part in the rose-picking, by registering in advance at the boutique.

Among the fields of roses, you’ll select the flowers best suited to developing their aroma. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how. Then you’ll pick them by hand, gradually filling your basket. Delicate picking, always done by hand as in the old days.

History of Comptoir de la rose

This business was born of a shared energy, that of a Grasse rose grower, Larry Pasetti, and that of Stéphanie Aufrère, who was already managing the rose grower’s marketing.
Together, since they already owned the raw material, roses, they came up with the idea and the desire to sublimate this emblematic flower.
A first store will open in Grasse in 2020, then in Cannes in 2021 and finally in Nice in 2022.

Practical information


5, rue Amiral de Grasse
06130 Grasse

37, rue Meynadier
06400 Cannes

7, rue du Collet
0600 Nice

Official website

26th Nice Book Festival

The 26th Nice Book Festival takes place from June 2 to 4, 2023. Organized by the city of Nice, this event takes place under the presidency of Giuliano da Empoli, Grand Prix of the French Academy for his premonitory novel The Magus of the Kremlin.

On the program, shows, meetings and dozens and dozens of authors present, to be discovered on stage or among the very many barnums of the Albert 1er garden.

26th Nice Book Festival from June 2 to 4, 2023Nice Book Festival 2023 meetings

France Bleu Azur provides a dozen hours of airtime on the event and organizes meetings-debates.
Alia Zegaoula, Gil Florini then Géraldine Coullaud-Boudy, Kaotik 747, David Foenkinos, Haydée Otero, Julien Soulié, Valentin Musso, Bernard Minier, Claude Rizzo, Laurence Peyrin, Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Gilles Paris, Jacques Pradel, Didier Van Cauwelaert, Sylain Tesson, Isabelle Carré, Françis Huster, Bruno Solo, Lilas Spak, Clara Laurent, Richard Pogliano, Romain Sardou, Christine Angot, Mélissa Da Costa, Olivier Dorchamps, Vladimir Fédorovski, Eric Garandeau, Thierry Vimal, Grégory Regnier, Janine Boissard, Guillaume Nery, etc.

I invite you to know better the complete program of this very big literary event, on the official website of the Nice Book Festival.

Signing sessions

In addition to the many authors already mentioned, the organizers have also invited a hundred others. Among the authors you can meet are Tonino Benacquista, Boris Cyrulnik, Irène Frain, Douglas Kennedy, Jean-Christophe Ruffin, Alain Vircondelet, Bernard Werber, etc.

Prize Nice Baie des Anges

26th Nice Book Festival from June 2 to 4, 2023This Nice Baie des Anges prize will be awarded on May 17, 2023 and will be officially presented during the Nice Book Festival.
The jury, chaired by Franz-Olivier Giesbert, is composed of Paule Constant, from the Goncourt Academy, Irène Frain, Aurélie de Gubernatis, Didier van Cauwelaert, Laurent Seksik, Jean-Luc Gagliolo and Nicolas Galup.
The books in the running are:

  • Averse. Des nouvelles des indésirables, J. M. G. LE CLÉZIO (Gallimard)
  • Avalanche, Raphaël HAROCHE, (Gallimard)
  • La douceur, Etienne de MONTETY (Stock)
  • This is not a news story, Philippe BESSON (Julliard)
  • Aranea. The legend of the Emperor, Alexandre MURAT (Fleuve Noir)
  • La malédiction de la Madone, Philippe VILAIN (Robert Laffont)
  • Tous immortels, Paul PAVLOWITCH (Buchet Chastel)
  • Baltic Song, Olivier ROHE (Allia)

Youth Prize: The book of the students of Nice

A literary prize is awarded to a work for youth, by the students of Nice. Under the direction of the author Susie Morgenstern.
This prize will be awarded on May 4 and officially presented on Thursday, May 4, 2023.
Nominees include:

  • Frankie: What a Movie by Marie Chartres, from L’Ecole des loisirs
  • Les Magies de l’Archipel, tome 1: Arcadia, by Estelle Faye at Nathan
  • The Musketeers’ Circle: On Guard by Chrysostomo Gourio, Baribal éditions
  • Mission Kidnapping for Erin, by Anne-Gaëlle Morizur, Editions Goater.


The Little Cabin, from My 18 Exiles, by Susie Morgenstern

Sunday, June 4 11:00 am at the Francis Gag Theater, musical reading of the author’s texts.
Free admission, on reservation

Practical information

Albert 1st Garden
From 10 am to 7 pm
Free admission

Official website

Luggage storage on rue de France

A luggage storage on Rue de France is located only 160m from our apartment. It can be useful if we cannot keep your luggage ourselves. We will do our best to make this possible, of course, but we are dependent on the schedules of our cleaning staff and the schedules of our visitors.

Luggage storage on rue de France

The nearest luggage locker is located only 160m away. It is a recent self-service luggage locker. Bagmobile. You choose a locker to deposit your luggage. And you leave with peace of mind.

Bagmobile address

8 rue Barralis in Nice


The luggage store is open every day, from 6am to 11pm. Non stop. Self-service.

Official site

Special reservations, why not?

Special reservations, why not?

You will visit local vineyards or, depending on your choice, lavender fields, the Gorges du Verdon, canyons, etc. You will thus see local, exceptional sites and activities.

Gratta keka of Nice

Gratta keka of Nice (or gratta-queca) is an ice cream bread, grated and sprinkled with a syrup of your choice. To be eaten with a straw. Not to be confused with the Granite, more universal, of which it remains however very close.

Grattakeka of Nice

Originally, ice cream makers made Gratta keka and sold it in street vendors, often in three-wheelers or in kiosks. Nowadays, this Nice delicacy can still be found just about everywhere, mainly in cafés and ice cream shops, but at certain times: from May and throughout the summer.

Stuffed of Nice

Stuffed of Nice is simply stuffed vegetables: tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, etc. The stuffing can be different depending on the vegetable.

Preparation of Stuffed of Nice, the farci niçois

farcis niçois
© Arnaud 25

The vegetables to be stuffed are usually blanched, then hollowed out. The stuffing is composed of onions, salt, garlic, basil, salt, pepper, bread crumbs, grated cheese and the rest of the hollowed out vegetables. In the stuffing, we avoid adding tomatoes or peppers.
A light drizzle of olive oil completes the preparation.
The whole thing is put in the oven to be served more or less gratinated.
In the stuffing of Nice, we find essentially zucchinis, eggplants, onions, tomatoes or peppers.

Nicoise salad

The Nicoise salad has become an almost universal salad. In fact, it is found offered throughout the south of France and the Mediterranean basin.

Preparation of the Nicoise salad

salade niçoise
© Arnaud 25 in Wikipedia

This salad was originally made with tomatoes and anchovies, drizzled with olive oil. But the recipe quickly evolved, adding red onions, hard-boiled eggs, olives. Sometimes the anchovies are replaced by tuna.
In short, the salade niçoise has been adapted to the ingredients of the season and to the tastes of the gastronomes. It can be presented on a bed of green salad.

Not in the salade niçoise

But never, never, never add potatoes or green beans to it, otherwise you may be preparing an excellent salad, but more niçoise.
Salade niçoise is made with raw vegetables.

Pissaladière of Nice

The pissaladière would be of Ligurian origin. If it is found throughout the Ligurian and Provencal region, the people of Nice have made it a very specific specialty.

Pissaladière of Nice preparation

Pissaladière, a traditional Niçoise cuisine
© Arnaud 25 in Wikipedia

Pissaladière is a bread dough made exclusively of flour, water, olive oil and yeast. It is generously topped with chopped and stewed onions, almost candied. In Nice, this is the first specificity of the niçoise pissaladière, these onions are mixed with pissalat sauce, that is to say a sauce based on small fishes, a kind of tapenade of fish or fry.

And moreover, on this bed of onions and pissalat, we add anchovy fillets and black olives from the country.

Other “pissaladières”

You can find pissaladières embellished with tomatoes, arugula or other ingredients. Why not. But it is no longer an authentic pissaladière of the past.

If you spend some time in Nice, you might as well taste the real niçoise pissaladière, in many food shops.

Also on the Saleya market
Chez Teresa
Les escapades d’Agnès

Socca of Nice

Socca of Nice is a typical Nice dish, made of chickpea flour and olive oil. It was a popular dish that, over time, became typical and very popular.

Preparation of Socca of Nice

socca traditional Niçoise cuisine
© Myrabella in Wikipedia

First, a round galette is shaped, which is placed in a well oiled mold, preferably copper. Oiled, with olive oil, of course.
In the wood-fired oven, the dough takes on a beautiful orange-yellow color.


It is eaten, preferably warm, to appreciate its slightly crispy surface and its softer heart. Nowadays, it is served as an aperitif or as an appetizer. More rarely, it can be used as a main dish outside.

This socca, like other preparations of the same type throughout the world, was both economical to make, practical to transport, easy to eat and particularly rich nutritionally.

Peasants, sailors, and all those who worked hard outdoors could therefore find there, if not a meal, at least a snack, a snack that would keep the body going.

Pan-bagnat of Nice

Pan-bagnat of Nice is a typical sandwich.

Preparation of the pan-bagnat of Nice

Pan-bagnat niçois Between two pieces of bread (most often round and bathed in garlicky olive oil), we add the ingredients of the niçoise salad: tomatoes, egg, anchovies, olive and olive oil.
By the way, the word pan-bagnat comes from bagnar (in Provencal) which means to bathe, to wet. This bread is indeed wet with garlic olive oil.

Other pans-bagnats

Beware, for some Niceans, it is sacrilege to modify the traditional recipe. But what traditional recipe? This one has largely evolved since the origin.
Indeed, we can find pans-bagnats containing chicken, arugula, mayonnaise, etc. These varieties depend on the taste of each person but are not traditional pans-bagnats.

If you are in Nice for a few days, you might as well try the real Nice pan bagnat.

Nice cuisine

Nice cuisine is above all Mediterranean, borrowing certain notions from Liguria or Provence. But it has developed its own personality that differs from its inspirers.

Main Nice cuisine recipes

Among the most famous Nice dishes are, among others:

There are still many other specialties: chard pie, pistou soup, rabbit à la niçoise, daube, etc.

The traditional cuisine

Here, cuisine has such a personality, that it has been able to obtain a label: cuisine nissarde, the respect of tradition.
Not all restaurants offering real local cuisine are approved cuisine nissarde. So you can taste this traditional cuisine in many restaurants, those approved are less numerous. See our links below.
cuisine niçoise, cuisine nissardeI invite you to read our pages on restaurants in Nice, some of which are classified as traditional cuisine and some as strict cuisine nissarde.

More info on local cuisine

Also on the Saleya market
Chez Teresa
Les escapades d’Agnès

For more information on this cuisine

Some Nice recipes
Website cuisine
Facebook Cuisine nissarde

JENK in Nice

JENK in Nice is a red candy that has recently been replaced by a yellow one. Remember, in 2011, she exhibited her Candy Nations at the G20 Summit in Cannes.


JENK in Nice, red or yellow candy

The red candy from JENK in Nice

Who is the artist behind this large candy installed on the A8 highway?
JENK is the artist who made this famous red candy visible on the edge of the A8, at the entrance of Nice. The motorists who use A8 missed the red candy that had disappeared. No candy for two months. It was just a matter of being patient.

Yellow candy from JENK in Nice

The red candy from JENK in Nice is giving way to a 5-meter-high, yellow-colored polyester candy. The yellow of course evokes the sun, the citrus fruits of the French Riviera, etc.
It is, of course, the artist Laurence Jenkell who is the creator of this sculpture installed on the edge of the A8 highway since January 25.


JENK in Nice, on the edge of the A8, why this place?

Some say that the highway is a strange place to exhibit a work of art. On the other hand, for JENK in Nice and the other artists, it is in order to reach a maximum of people.
This exhibition is only possible thanks to Laurence Jenkell’s partnership with the Escota network of Vinci Autoroutes. Highway Art features more than 70 works on French highways.

Jenk = Laurence Jenkell

His background

She is a self-taught French artist. She lives and works in Vallauris, in the Alpes-Maritimes.
Since then, she creates with materials such as marble, bronze and even Murano glass. She also masters perfectly the Plexiglas, in particular with Ice Candy, Wrapping Bonbon and Wrapping Twist, crumpled packaging of candy. She also works with polished aluminum with Wrapping Twist Aluminum. JENK also makes other deformed utilitarian objects such as the Italian coffee pot, etc.
Through her collection of Robots, she asks herself the following questions:
What will become of humanity when robots have a conscience of their own? What will be our place?
By creating her works, she also wants to question us.
The artist is known in France, but also in more than 50 other countries.

Some key dates

Candy Nations

In 2011, she exhibited 55 sculptures, her Candy Nations for five months, on the Croisette. Her XXL Multicolored Candies form a hedge of honor that welcomes the presidents for the G20 summit in Cannes.

Appearance in 2017 of the Wrapping Twist, crumpled packaging of the candy paper.

In 2019, she is participating in the 56th and 58ᵉ Venice Biennale (OFF) with Personal Structures.
Since 2020, she signs Laurence JENK.
On September 8, 2021, Laurence Jenk receives the medal of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by Eric Ciotti.
In 2022, opening of a studio-gallery in Monaco and creations of Candy Nations, a collection in tribute to Monaco.

2023,a busy year

In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, Barbizon invites about fifty contemporary artists to exhibit. Since 08 04 and until 10 06 2023, JENK exhibits his work in tribute to the 50 years of the disappearance of Picasso. It is a Wrapping Bonbon Tribute to Picasso that measures 98 cm on aluminum base and it is made of polyester.
Until July, in Cambrai, JENK also exhibits other large-scale creations. Two of his works are present in Dubai until the end of September 2023.
Laurence JENK, participates in the Concours d’élégance Auto Moto organized at the initiative of Cavigal Auto Moto on the port of Nice. For this occasion, JENK exhibits on the podium a 120 cm Wrapping Bonbon Rouge sculpture. The trophy that will reward the Dolce Vita category is the Monacandy sculpture of turquoise color and 40 cm height. This work by the artist JENK is unique.


The causes championed by JENK

JENK is a sculptor and painter, but not only that, she supports many causes that are close to her heart. Causes such as women’s rights, health, environmental issues or the animal condition. The artist JENK regularly creates unique works for the benefit of associations. We can note the Telethon, the Women’s Foundation, the Monegasque Red Cross or Pink October and many others. Then, in 2021, JENK offers a Red Cross sculpture for the first summer concert of the Monegasque Red Cross. Wrapping Candy Mask is the name given to this unique piece of 190 cm, white with a red cross in its center. This sculpture was not the only one by JENK. 500 mini sculptures Wrapping Candy Mask Collector, are given to guests during the evening.

Mattel collaboration

Jenkellizing a work

Jenkellizing is inserting an object or message inside an authentic Wrapping Bonbon. This was notably the case in a Mattel collaboration with Barbi


JENK Gallery
29 Boulevard Rainier III
98000 Monaco


Website of Laurence Jenkell

Facebook of the artist

No finish line 2023 in Nice

The No finish line 2023 in Nice takes place from May 14 to 19, 2023, on the Promenade des Anglais.

The No finish line 2023 in Nice

No finish line 2023 in NiceThe No finish line is a sporting event, without a start or finish line. One runs there as a sportsman, with friends, colleagues or quietly as a family, one walks there, in short, one participates as one wants, when one wants.
The goal is therefore not to win, but to participate. And in doing so, to fund projects in favor of disadvantaged or sick children of the French Riviera.
1km = 1€.

The No finish line 2022

In 2022, this event had provided 54,655 kms. You read correctly: 54,655 kms covered by 3142 participants. The sum was entirely paid by the association No finish line, thanks to its partners and sponsors.

Practical information

Individual registrations: they can be done via the site www.sport-up.fr until 08/05/2023
Or by email on the official website.
Official Site

Historical shops of Nice

The historical shops of Nice reflect the traditional activities of the Nice region. Indeed, one finds there the jewels of nature: the olive tree and the flowers. In other words, olive oil and perfumes. Without forgetting the sweetness of life with its sweets.

historic businesses of Nice Maison AuerConfiserie Maison Auer

We’ve edited a special page on the Maison Auer in Nice that you absolutely must know about.
This is the realm of gourmet food. Indeed, this business is all at once that of an excellent pastry chef, chocolatier and confectioner who excels in all his fields.

Alziari in NiceAlziari Olive Oil

We have edited a special page on the Alziari oil mill in Nice that will amaze many about the quality and diversity of the products offered.
The Nicolas Alziari oil mill in Nice has existed since 1868. It still extracts oil by mechanized processes. It offers traditional oils with an incomparable taste, but also personalized oils, to discover.

MOLINARD perfumery

Parfums Molinard, a remarkable business in NicePerfumery Molinard is a local and family-owned company, which offers handcrafted perfumes, made in Grasse, the world capital of perfumery. For 5 generations now, the family has been creating subtle perfumes and declining them into home fragrances, candles, soaps, creams, etc. Everything here breathes elegance. In Old Nice, near the Opera.

20 rue St François de Paule, in Old Nice
60, boulevard Victor Hugo and 16, place aux Aires in Grasse

Parfumerie FRAGONARD

Parfums Fragonard among the remarkable boutiques in NiceFragonard is another historic family-owned perfumery in Grasse. It creates refined perfumes, witnesses of an ancestral know-how of excellence. Unforgettable perfumes, but also other home or body products that perfume magnifies. Very interesting perfume museum.
In the Old Nice, 100m from the Opera.

11 Cours Saleya in Old Nice
3 Rue Jean Ossola in Grasse
Perfume museum, 20 boulevard Fragonard in Grasse

Ici Là-Bas eco-responsible shop

Ici Là-Bas is an eco-responsible shop in the Old Nice.
Final closure in progress.
This store offers many decorative objects, tableware and accessories. Artists and craftsmen, either from Nice or its region, or from many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe or even Latin America, have created most of the objects.

The objects offered by Ici Là-Bas in Nice

From Nice or Madagascar, South Africa, Mexico, India, Zambia, Vietnam, etc., the hand of the craftsman is the same, the vision of the world is the same: to make beautiful and useful with what is thrown away because deemed worthless. Worthless?

A boutique café?

This business is meant to be social. Indeed, it reserves a part of the premises to certain artistic activities and one can take a coffee there by sharing what one is. What activities?  Bach flowers, herbalism, sewing, watercolor, manual creations, etc.

Ici Là-Bas and fair trade

Ici-Là-Bas in Nice,an eco-responsible businessIci Là-Bas is an ethical, responsible and solidarity-based café/shop in Nice.
Indeed, the pieces offered are from local or foreign crafts. The selection takes into account the environmental quality of production, the social impact of activities, working conditions and remuneration of artists or craftsmen.
And this implies that most of the objects are made of recycled materials: iron cans, plastic bottles, aluminum paper, telephone wires, etc.
And the other objects?
The artisans make the other objects with local materials, such as bamboo, beeswax, etc.
This is tantamount to saying that buying becomes an ethical and supportive gesture.

Practical information

Ici Là-Bas
37 rue Droite
in the Old Nice

Official website

Chagall National Museum in Nice

The Marc Chagall National Museum in Nice exhibits paintings and lithographs by the artist. The pleasant museum has become a reference, given the quantity and quality of the works exhibited.

Chagall National Museum in Nice

The Biblical Message

Analyses of the paintings are provided by nice-riviera.com: Click on the image to enlarge and read at the bottom.

The museum contains the Biblical Message paintings of 1966. This series includes 12 works illustrating Genesis and Exodus. The works are large format, with the style so particular to Marc Chagall, between symbolism and Russian neo-primitivism, with many revealing details.
This is the case, for example, of Adam and Eve chased from paradise.

Musée Chagall à Nice

An angel chases Adam and Eve who are about to leave paradise and the painting, while the vertical Tree of Light stands still on the left. But Adam and Eve are accompanied by a red rooster, symbol of vitality and fertility. At the bottom right, we discover a maternity. The couple then, chased out of paradise, are heading towards their future as ancestors of humanity.

Canticle of Canticles

The Chagall Museum also presents five paintings illustrating the Song of Songs, to which Marc Chagall felt close. The cycle of five paintings is dedicated to Vava, his second wife.
In red/pink tones, we discover five episodes of the couple David and Bathsheba, always with many symbolic details that guide the interpretation of the work.

Analyses of the paintings are provided by nice-riviera.com : click on the image to enlarge and read at the bottom.

Other works

Finally, the museum offers other works: lithographs, gouaches, five sculptures, etc.

Marc Chagall and the French Riviera

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) traveled in Europe and the United States, notably driven away by anti-Semitism. Back in France in 1948, he settled in Vence. He works and sells all over the world.
In 1972, he donated the works of the Biblical Message to the French state. The latter, under the direction of Minister André Malraux, undertakes to build a museum to present these works, in a place given by the City of Nice. Marc Chagall participates in the development of the museum.
The museum strengthens its collections through various donations. It has thus become a major museum in Nice and one of the essential museums dedicated to Marc Chagall.

Practical information

Marc Chagall National Museum
Avenue du Docteur Ménard
06000 Nice

Bus line 5, stop Musée Chagall
By foot : 16mn from the Matisse Museum or 12mn from the Thiers central station

Open every day except Tuesday, January 1st, May 1st, December 25th
From May 2nd to October 31st : 10am-6pm
From November 1st to April 30th : 10am-5pm

Official website

Transparence in Nice

Transparence in Nice is Thierry Wintrebert’s plexiglass inclusions store. Incredibly inventive artistic works.

Transparence in Nice

This incomparable art business offers hundreds of plexiglass inclusions. It’s a far cry from simple resin, which is fragile and doesn’t age well. Here, the plexiglass reflects its incomparable light. Indeed, one of its great qualities is that it is beautifully luminous.
But it has another property, that of refraction. A certain mirror effect which, under certain angles, splits the included subject.
Everything is light in the plexiglass, a magical light.

Transparence and the objects of inclusion in plexiglass

Thierry Wintrebert is a specialist in model ships and marine objects.
The objects are made of metal in the workshop for the most part.
There are many marine subjects: beautiful sailboats, pointus niçois of course, divers under the bubbles of their breath, colored fish, etc.
But the inventiveness of Thierry Wintrebert is without limit. He also includes Nice’s iconic blue chairs, insects, fish, and a multitude of everyday objects: soda bottles, thimbles, watches, paint tubes, dripping faucets, etc.
Also Mondrian-like motifs.
It is impossible to list here the infinite diversity of subjects. There is something for everyone. This wealth of inspiration can only be seen by visiting this Ali Baba’s cave of plexiglass inclusion.

A difficult and masterful technique

These objects are included in a gangue of liquid plexiglass. Then, this gangue is itself included in a parallelepiped mold filled with liquid plexiglass.

The whole is then heated to 120° for 8 hours in an autoclave under a pressure of 10 bars.
Once cooled, the parallelepiped is dull and hollow on each side, due to a natural shrinkage of the material. It is then necessary to sand the faces to make a perfectly smooth and brilliant parallelepiped.
A huge job then, before getting the bright and perfect objects you see on display.

Transparency in Nice, Plexiglass InclusionsPractical Information

2 rue JulesGilly
in the Old Nice

Prices starting at 50€

Official website

Fragonard perfumer in Nice

Fragonard perfumer in Nice, it’s a very nice store on Cours Saleya and two others at Nice Côte d’Azur airport. Since 1926, the family business Fragonard offers perfumes for men and women, cosmetics and soaps, scents for the home, but also fashion accessories, interior decoration and items for the art of the table.

Fragonard perfumer in Nice, the shop

The very pretty Fragonard perfumer store in Nice, with its facade in the colors of Provence is located on the Cours Saleya, in the heart of Nice.

The products sold at Fragonard perfumer in Nice

In the Fragonard store in Nice, you will find :

– perfume bottles and sets for men and women,
– cosmetics and soaps such as face and body care products, shower gels, etc
– in the home fragrance range, you will find candles, diffusers and room sprays,
– the articles related to fashion are blouses, tunics, tops, bags and clutches, shawls, scarves, but also slippers and mules
– in the art of living range, a wide choice of cups, trays, cushions and goblets, but also household linen, pouches, bags and pouches, etc.

History of Fragonard

Eugene Fuchs

It all starts with Eugène Fuchs who settles in the sunny lands of the Grasse region. He decided to create his own company and bought two perfumeries in Grasse: Cresp-Martinenq and Muraour.

And so in 1926, the Parfumerie Fragonard was born.
Why the name Fragonard?
Simply to pay tribute to the most famous man in the city of Grasse who is none other than the painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard(1732-1806).

The building that was a tannery in the eighteenth century is purchased by Fuchs, he transforms it into a factory that is used for the manufacture of perfumes.
Between the two wars, Eugene Fuchs will take advantage of the posh tourism on the French Riviera by showing his factory. Of course, visitors will quite often buy a perfume.

Georges Fuchs and François Costa

In 1929, his son Georges Fuchs and his son-in-law François Costa took over the reins of the company. The two brothers-in-law share the task, with François taking care of Grasse and Georges taking care of the foreign markets. Georges Fuchs establishes the Fragonard name in the United States with the Blue Grass perfume.

Jean-François Costa

In 1939, François and Emilie Costa’s son, Jean-François Costa, joined the company. In the late 1950s, he replaces his father, and works with his cousin Patrick.
And in 1968, between Nice and Monaco, opening of the perfume factory in Eze, it is possible to visit the perfumery and the cosmetics laboratory in which creams and body care products are manufactured.

Jean-François Costa is an art lover, with the objects related to the history of perfumery that he collected, in 1975 he opened the first Perfume Museum in Grasse. Then, two Parisian museums open including the Perfume Museum in 1982, at 9, rue Scribe in Paris.
In 1986, opening of the Flower Factory in Grasse, which manufactures and packages Fragonard products but it also provides an introduction to the perfume business.
In Paris, in 1993, opens the Capucines Perfume Museum also known as théâtre-musée des Capucines
Then in 1996, the first perfume store in Grasse was born.
Right next door, in 1997, the Musée Provençal du Costume et du Bijou opened, in 2011, the Jean-Honoré Fragonard Museum in Grasse and finally in 2015, the Perfume Museum Opera in Paris opened.

Agnès, Françoise and Anne Costa

These days, it is Jean-François Costa’s three daughters, Agnès, Françoise and Anne Costa, who are at the helm of the house Fragonard. They care about the image of Fragonard and like their predecessors, they contribute their stone to the building. Nowadays, it’s about twenty boutiques in France, but also abroad, especially in Milan since 2015. Since 2021, Fragonard is present at the Samaritaine in Paris. The same year, inauguration of a unique place “Fragonard la Maison in Arles” with on one side, a boutique on the first floor and on the other, six guest rooms on the upper floors.

Practical information about Fragonard perfumer in Nice

11 Cours Saleya
06300 Nice

Opening hours, Monday to Sunday from 10 H to 19 Hours.

Fragonard at Nice airport
Terminal 1 – Airside – Room A
Terminal 2 – Airside – Room A

Online Store

Fragonard perfumer offers free individual or group tours of the plants or factory and other paid activities such as a perfumer workshop, a mimi creation workshop with reservation

Matisse museum in Nice

The Matisse museum in Nice is installed in a beautiful house in the Cimiez district of Nice. You can admire many of his works: paintings, sculptures and drawings.

Matisse museum in Nice

The Matisse museum exhibits many works directly from the donations of the artist himself or his heirs.
It is therefore an exhibition of 31 paintings, 454 drawings and engravings, 38 gouaches cut out, 57 sculptures, etc. Thus, we admire the works that were dear to him, that he kept for himself or his relatives.

We find his masterpieces painted in his studio in the Place Charles Felix, his odalisques in particular, and his gouaches cut out of the Villa Regina, but also his sculptures, etc.

Finally, we also admire works that inspired him. A dialogue is established between the works, like snapshots of Matisse’s life.

Matisse in Nice and its region

Matisse (1869-1954) loved Nice, which he discovered in 1917. Indeed, he made many stays and used several places in Nice: Old Nice, Mont Boron, Carabacel, Cimiez, etc.
He lived in Nice for most of his life, for 27 years. He also lived in the Nice region for about 40 years.
Matisse died in 1954. He is buried in the cemetery of the Monastery of Cimiez.

The Villa des Arènes and the Museum

The villa in which the museum is located dates back to the 17th century. It was built for Jean-Jérôme de Gubernatis, then president of the Senate of Nice and ambassador of the Dukes of Savoy.
The house was bought several times by different owners, until it was bought by the city of Nice in 1950. It took the name of Villa des Arènes.
And it is in 1963 that the Matisse museum was created.

Practical information

Musée Matisse à NiceMatisse Museum
164, avenue des Arènes de Cimiez
06000 Nice

Access by bus
Lines 5, 18, 16, 40, 33
Stop : Arènes / Matisse Museum

Open every day except Tuesday
from 10am to 5pm, from November 1st to April 30th
from 10am to 6pm, from May 2nd to October 31st
Closed on January 1st, Easter Sunday, May 1st and December 25th.

Official website

Those interested in Matisse’s life and work (and not only his period in Nice) can refer to his long description in Wikipédia.

Massena Museum in Nice

The Massena Museum in Nice or Villa Massena Museum evokes the art and history of Nice, since its annexation to France.

Musée Massena in Nice

The Massena Museum exhibits documents related to the history of Nice (after 1860, when it became French).

We discover the proclamation of the King to the inhabitants of Savoy and Nice, by King Victor-Emmanuel of Savoy, giving the County of Nice to France. Similarly, the proclamation to the inhabitants of the Arrondissement de Nice by Senator Pietri, in the name of the Emperor.
But the museum does not disdain its origins, since there is also a large portrait of Garibaldi, born in Nice in 1807, and died in Caprera in 1882. Garibaldi was one of the key men in the unification of Italy.
Many other historical documents are presented to visitors.
The Massena Museum also traces the development of Nice, through paintings or photos of Nice in the early 20th century.

We discover the boats of Nice, called “pointus”, pulled on the shore, along what is today the Promenade des Anglais and the Quai des Etats-Unis. The Promenade then looked like a country road. Nice had become a summer resort town, that seems obvious, but also a winter one because of its particularly mild climate.
This museum, very affordable, is therefore a dive into the past of Nice.

Exhibitions at the Massena Museum

The top floor of the Massena Palace is reserved for exhibitions.

Villa Massena and Nice

It was Victor Massena, grandson of Marshal of the Empire André Massena (André Massena was 1st Duke of Rivoli and Prince of Essling), who had the villa built in 1898. At the time, it was a pleasure house in the neo-classical and empire style.

The first floor was intended to be open to receptions, with its vast rooms opening onto the garden and the sea. The dining room with its glass rotunda attracts attention, as soon as you enter the palace.
It was Victor’s son, André, who donated the villa to the city of Nice in 1919, to create a museum of art and history of Nice, under the name of Massena Museum, which will be inaugurated in 1921.

Musée Massena à NicePractical information

Entrance to the museum by the gardens, Promenade des Anglais or by 65 rue de France.

Tickets on sale at 65 rue de France

Official website

Maison Auer in Nice

The Maison Auer in Nice is an institution. First of all for its shimmering window display, its baroque interior, its furniture and stucco that catch the eye. The taste buds, on the other hand, are awakened in front of the candied fruits, the artisanal jams, but also all the pastries and chocolates, the pralines, etc.

Exterior of Maison Auer in Nice

Your eye is already drawn to the facade with its moldings, its ever-changing window display. 

Interior of the Auer House in Nice

The interior of the store dazzles the customer, from floor to ceiling, it is a wonder. The color gold is everywhere, everything is precious such as stained glass windows, crystal chandeliers, marble and antique consoles. And the decorations of the furniture and the windows are breathtaking, you can see cherubs, festoons and flowers.

The products

All products are made the old-fashioned way in the workshops behind the sales location. The chocolates, fruit jellies, marrons glacés and candied fruits… contain no glucose, no coloring, and no added fat.  

Pears and apricots, sold by weight, are prepared in earthenware pots. They can also be sold in assorted boxes. There are clementine from Corsica, mandarins from Italy, almonds, calissons and nougat from Provence, but also roasted hazelnuts from Piedmont, caramelized, etc. At least 15 flavors of homemade jam are offered, fruit pastes with strawberry, black cherry and many other flavors. Chestnuts and ginger are either candied in syrup or glazed with sugar, it’s all about taste.

The Auer chocolate factory in Nice makes truffles, cream ganaches, pralines and more than 50 different chocolates, among others. 

History of the Auer House in Nice

Henri Auer left Switzerland for France in 1820. In 1850, he already owned three confectioneries in Toulon, it was then that he bought a store specializing in candied fruits in Nice. It is the store which nowadays still belongs to the same Auer family.

In summary

5 generations, from Henri Auer to Thierry Auer, perpetuate a know-how, a tradition and a heritage. The quality of the work, the chosen ingredients, the welcome make the reputation of the Chocolaterie Auer in Nice.



Maison Auer 
7 rue St François de Paule
in Old Nice, opposite the Opera
06300 Nice

You can of course visit the very nice store, but you can also order via the online store.

Opening hours
Monday to Saturday, from 09H00 to 13H30 and 14H00 to 18H00, closed on Sunday.


Scuba diving in Nice

Scuba diving in Nice is an activity offered by several organizations, whose contact information can be found under the chapter Practical Information.

Scuba diving in Nice

The seabed of the Baie des Anges is relatively well preserved. While diving, you can observe many species of fish, cephalopods and colorful plants.
From initiation to graduation, it’s up to you to choose your level.
During the summer, you can dive or take part in a snorkeling tour.

Practical information

Nice diving
13 Quai des deux Emmanuel
06300 Nice
Official website

Scuba diving in Nice NiceCIP
2 Ruelle des Moulins
(Rue du Lazaret)
06300 NICE
Official website

Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice

Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice is one of the emblematic businesses of the city and the region.

The Nicolas Alziari business in Nice

In the store, you will be amazed at the variety of oils offered. This is one of the reasons for the company’s notoriety. Indeed, Alziari has been able to preserve the traditional oils that have made its reputation. But also, it has never stopped innovating, inventing and offering new varieties, always of very high quality.

  • Oil from the estate
  • Oils of France
  • Grand cru
  • Flavored
  • Organic Oils
  • Etc

The store also sells olives and their by-products.

  • Tapenades
  • Pestos
  • Cosmetics
  • Etc

Finally, the line is expanding with the sale of groceries and accessories.

  • Sugars
  • Jellies
  • Seafood products
  • Honey
  • Pouring caps
  • Cans and barrels
  • Tabbards
  • Olivewood items
  • Etc

History of the Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice

Alziari NiceThe old Santa mill was bought by Cesar Martin to produce olive oil, around 1868. He had a modern building built and soon his olive oil became very successful.
This is how the first oil mill was born.
At the beginning of 1900, Nicolas Alziari took over the family business and improved the quality of the oils sold.
He searched for the best olives in Europe and managed to create blends that earned him an international reputation.
In 1936, Nicolas Alziari’s daughter, Pauline, opened a store on rue Saint François de Paule.
In 1980, Pauline’s son, Jean Nègre, developed the sale of oil by enriching it with accessory products.
Little by little, new oils are created, the estate grows from 30 to 60 hectares of olive trees.
The company is currently managed by David and Vincent Piot.

Practical information


  • Boutique Nicolas Alziari
    14 rue Saint François de Paule
  • Moulin and shop
    318 Boulevard de la Madeleine
    Streetcar line 2 + bus 6M to the terminus of la Madeleine
    Chemin de fer de Provence, stop La Madeleine

Official website

Zielinska bakery in Nice

The Zielinska bakery in Nice offers “exceptional breads”.
Please note that this is not a Zielinska bakery but a bakery, so no baguettes or croissants like in a classic bakery. Here, the baker kneads the dough, bakes the bread and sells it.

Zielinska Bakehouse in Nice

The Zielinska bakery is located in the Old Nice. It is the initiative of a woman, Domenika Zielinska.
This historian by training turned to baking, by passion. Having grown ancient species of cereals herself, she wanted to make them known. To make people appreciate the taste that we take the time to develop.
She also knows how to use local ingredients, such as buckwheat flour from Nice or chickpeas.

No baguettes, no croissants

The baker works in front of the customers. From the store, we see the baker or at times the baker, kneading the dough. The ovens are also visible. When the hot bread comes out of the oven, a good smell spreads through the room.
Here, bread is mainly made in balls. A bread that stays fresh for a long time, born from a long experience of several generations. In the past, it was often the women who made the bread, and Domenika Zielinska follows this tradition.
There is no difference between bread made by women and bread made by men. But there are differences between modern breads and those made with ancient flours. It is a whole unique heritage of knowledge that Domenika Zielinska puts at the service of good bread.

Practical information

Zielinska Bakery
4-6, Rue Jules Gilly
in the Old Nice

Official website

Paris-Nice cyclist

Paris-Nice cyclist is one of the many sporting events that take place in Nice. This is also the case for the Nice-Cannes Marathon, the Iron man, for example.

Paris Nice cyclist

Paris-Nice brings together competitors from top international teams at the start of the season. The stage race takes place in March.
The route may differ from year to year, but the final stage is often a Nice-Nice circuit, through the middle mountains with numerous 500-600m altitude passes that wear down the bodies. The race always ends on the Promenade des Anglais, usually arriving from the Col d’Eze, by the port.

Paris-Nice and animations on site

In Nice, visitors crowd into the village, a set of specialized equipment stands or those of some of the event’s sponsors.
On the Promenade des Anglais are arranged the podium for the presentation of the teams, as well as the finish podium. 

Official website



Nice Cannes Marathon

The Nice Cannes Marathon in the Alpes-Maritimes runs along the Mediterranean Sea, from the Promenade des Anglais in Nice to the Croisette in Cannes. It is one of the most beautiful scenery for a marathon, unfortunately, the participants do not really have the leisure to admire it.

The different races of the Nice Cannes Marathon

marathon des Alpes-Maritimes Nice-CannesThis famous marathon of the Alpes-Maritimes attracts thousands of participants every year and especially the international elite.
Several races exist in the race:

  • marathon, which is 42.195km
  • semi-marathon, Nice- Villeneuve-Loubet, evening 20km
  • relay marathon (in Antibes Juan-les-pins) of 2 runners, that is 21.1km each
  • relay marathon of 3 to 6 runners.

Practical information

Dates of the Nice Cannes Marathon

The marathon of the Alpes-maritimes Nice-Cannes traditionally takes place on the first Sunday in November, for a departure at 8am, Promenade des Anglais, near the green theater (towards the Hotel Meridien).

Next marathon of the Alpes-maritimes: Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Course of the marathon

The course runs along the coast to Cannes.
An exceptional event! 42.195 km!

Official website

Blue chair by SAB

The blue chair by SAB has been present on the Promenade des Anglais since 2014. Symbolically, it represents the mythical blue chairs that are arranged facing the sea and that the people of Nice love and use.

The blue chair of SAB

So since October 2014, the blue chair by Sabine Geraudie has been enthroned on the Quai des Etats-Unis, at 107. You can’t miss this giant sculpture, it is located at the Albert 1er gardens.

Sabine Geraudie alias SAB

The dream of Sabine Geraudie was to become an artist. She started with drawing and then for several years, she incorporated a collective workshop. She discovered oil painting, she was then inspired by photos for her coated canvases, then Sabine Geraudie turned to pebbles.

In 1986 , the Vosges woman moved to Nice and then offered “art on demand”. It was during a request from a client who wanted a work representing happiness, the difficulties in accessing it, but with a Nice touch, that the beginnings of the blue chair of SAB were born.  Sabine Geraudie researches, documents and creates two staggered chairs with a body trying to catch the sun.

After this commission, she continues and continues to work on the blue chair.  She was inspired by the old blue chairs by Toldo, but also by the new ones, designed in 1990 by the designer Jean-Michel Wilmotte. And so the blue chair by SAB was born.

The blue chair of SAB is a sculpture, a jewel, a bean…

This blue chair of SAB is a success, she registers the model at the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property).

The creation of the blue chair in 2D really launched the career of Sabine Geraudie.

The blue chair from SAB thus becomes a piece of jewelry, a diamond-paved pendant, which can be found at Bijouterie Ferret, 2 Av. de Verdun, 06000 Nice.

The SAB chair also comes in chocolate at patisserie LAC.

Those who were lucky enough to buy a king’s cake in one of the Lac pastry shops, discovered a very beautiful colored bean with the effigy of the chair of SAB. Thus, a set of 4 beans is offered for sale, one yellow, one green, one red and finally one blue.

SAB is an artist with a big heart

La chaise bleue de SAB

She does not hesitate to give her time, to create works for sales to benefit associations, defending children, the fight against breast cancer, against polio.

Very frequently solicited, Sabine Geraudie answers present to defend a cause that is particularly close to her heart.

Recently, and more precisely on February 16, 2023, she donated a work for the operation “The Auction for the Sea” organized by the association Just Sea It in order to support the preservation of the sea beds of Nice. The “Auction for the Sea” operation brought in €42,000.


Workshop of Sabine Geraudie
23 rue Pastorelli
06000 Nice


See also our page:  the Nice blue chairs

Palais d’osier in Nice

Le Palais d’osier in Nice is a beautiful business of woven bags and baskets. It also does caning.

The Palais d’osier in Nice

This rare business has existed for generations, in the same premises, a stone’s throw from the Palais de Justice, in Old Nice. And, except for the bags and baskets, nothing has changed. So the store has a certain charm. And a lot of merchandise, from floor to ceiling.

Le Palais d'osier in Nice, Palais d'osier in NiceThe Canning

Le Palais d’osier also offers caning, for chairs, chaise-longues, armchairs and other caned objects. This is, again, a specialty that has become rare, which makes all the originality and interest of the Wicker Palace.

The woven baskets of Palais d’osier in Nice

These baskets, straw colored, wicker or on the contrary very colorful, come from France, Morocco, Ghana and Madagascar. They are still made by hand. There are still French craftsmen who still weave straw or wicker, but it is beginning to be difficult to find suppliers.
Indeed, the braiders are part of the old generation. Young people are less interested in this craft, yet creative.

We find objects of all kinds, for all uses. Baskets, small or larger, firewood holders, fishermen’s baskets, handbags, etc..
But also trivets, cheese or fruit trays, bowls, cubbies, etc.

An exceptional business to know.

Practical information

3 Rue de la Préfecture

Palm trees of the Promenade des Anglais

The palm trees of the Promenade des Anglais are admired as inseparable symbols of Nice. Without them, the Promenade would not have the attraction it has on the people of Nice and visitors.

The palm trees of the Promenade

Palmiers de la Promenade des Anglais à Nice

Between the two traffic lanes and along the pedestrian Prom’ (the Promenade des Anglais) are planted many palm trees of different varieties. They were partly victims of the red weevil which decimated the trees. But the municipality managed to protect the trees and planted new ones, and especially new varieties, more resistant.
There are date palms, palms with thin trunks that rise very high towards the sky, stocky palms, palms with multiple trunks, up to 9 or 10 trunks, etc.

For botanists

Palmiers de la Promenade des Anglais à Nice

The purists will linger on the 7 species of palm trees:

  • Syagrus romanzoffiana,
  • Washingtonia filifera,
  • Washingtonia robusta,
  • Butia Yatay,
  • Archontophoenix Alexandrae,
  • Butia Capitata
  • Caryota Urens.

And the 8 species of trees and shrubs :

  • Brachychiton Acerifolia,
  • Callistemon Citrinus,
  • Lagunaria Patersonii,
  • Tipuana Tipu,
  • Erythrina Caffra,
  • Erythrina Falcata,
  • Grevilla Robusta
  • Jacaranda Mimosifolia.

© City of Nice

Remember that the Promenade du Paillon also has many plant varieties.

Old casino of the Jetée-Promenade

The old casino of the Jetée-Promenade became mythical after its destruction. The least we can say is that it had an eventful life and as many admirers as detractors. But what is this old Casino de la Jetée-Promenade?

The Casino in Nice

Opposite the current Meridien Hotel, a casino was built on stilts. The architecture was inspired by the Crystal Palace in Hide Park, all in cast iron and glass. The building opened its doors on April 1, 1883. But a fire destroyed it partially on April 8, 1883.
The reconstruction lasted until 1891. One admired its transparency on the blue water, its oriental bulbs, its spectacles, its casino. In short, it became impossible to circumvent.

The end of the old casino

But the two world wars reduced it to nothing, especially during the recovery of metals by the Germans. During the post-war period, attempts were made to bring it back to life, but it was finally abandoned and destroyed in 1951.

Rollerblades and skateboards on the Promenade

Rollerblading and skateboarding on the Promenade des Anglais are part of the regular activities that can be found on the “Prom”.

Rollerblading on the Promenade des Anglais

Rollerblading enthusiasts are numerous and some are true artists. They come to train, at the level of the Opera, and only ask for a little space on this very wide promenade.
It is often a treat for the eyes to see them evolve.

Skateboards on the Prom

Rollers and skateboards on the Prom'

Skateboarders come to train, too, always in the spirit of healthy rivalries and fun. But make no mistake about it.
Between maintaining balance, backstrokes and jumps, the efforts are sometimes important. It is not uncommon for athletes to rest for a while.
Moreover, it is a game, a hobby and no one here intends to make exploits.

Rollerblading and skateboarding on the Promenade des Anglais just need a little space and a friendly eye.

Nice carnival ganses

Nice carnival ganses are also called bugnes or merveilles, depending on the region.
ganses du carnaval de Nice ou bugnes ou merveilles = Nice carnival ganses

What are the ganses of Nice carnival

They are fried doughnuts, more or less flavored with orange blossom water or, for some, lemon and other flavor. Why not, but we are moving away a little from the authentic recipe.

The ganses are prepared before Shrove Tuesday, which marks the end of Carnival. They can be found in all bakeries, pastry shops and carnival stands.

Ganses recipes

Nice carnival

The Nice carnival is one of the most famous, along with the one in Rio. Visitors come from all over the world to admire the floats, the flower battles and the many animations.

The Nice Carnival 2024

The Nice carnival always takes place during 2 weeks including 3 weekends. It usually ends on the Sunday after Mardi Gras.

In 2024, the Nice carnival will take place from February 17 to March 3, 2024.

The Nice Carnival 2024 will have as its theme: King of Pop Culture: Series, movies, video games, music, comics, urban culture, manga … A popular, colorful thread, which invites to party.
In 2025, we are preparing for the carnival on the theme: King of the seas and oceans.

What to see at the Nice carnival

The corso

The corso is this long and spectacular parade of floats, accompanied by musicians, dancers, street entertainers. It’s cheerful, colorful and particularly festive.

The floats of the carnival of Nice

The floats are there every year. They are always different from one year to the next, depending on the chosen theme of the carnival.
As gigantic as inspired, they translate the mood of the year. Indeed, some floats make fun of famous people, in the purest carnival tradition.
Politicians, some billionaires too powerful take for their rank. But always with the spirit of a sympathetic, not aggressive mockery.
Several parades are organized during the carnival.

Flower battles

The floats make up the Battle of the Flowers parade. These are flowered floats, just as imaginative as those of the corso, in fact they are sometimes the same. And along their route, the people perched on the floats throw flowers to the public. The mimosa holds a great place in these flower battles, reminding that the region is really a capital of flowers, with the basin of Grasse and its perfume plants.
Several flower battles are organized during the carnival.

The other Nice carnivals

Depending on the year, other carnivals may also be organized, such as the student carnival or Queernaval, the first gay carnival in France.

The carnival village

On the occasion of the carnival, the carnival village welcomes its visitors for free. Stands related to the carnival, creative, recreational, as well as food stands can also contribute to a good time, especially for children, but not only.
It is located in the square Leclerc, promenade du Paillon.

Practical information about the Nice carnival


The carnival takes place Place Massena, in the center of the stands raised for the occasion. The floats and animations go along the Boulevard Félix Faure, the Promenade des Anglais along the Albert 1er garden and go up by the Boulevard Jean-Jaurès. In a word, they go all around the Albert 1er garden, up to the Massena square.


There are many rates, re-evaluated each year. We invite you to know them precisely on the official website.
Depending on the place, the location, the standing position or reserved seat in the stands, the adult prices vary and start at about 15 euros.
Up to 5 years old: free
From 6 to 12 years old: reduced rate

Official website

See also the Nice carnival bands or bugnes

Blue chairs of Nice

The blue chairs of Nice are arranged on the Promenade des Anglais and its extension, the Quai des Etats-Unis. They were born, in 1948, thanks to the collaboration of two men, Jacques Ballanger and Charles Tordo. The mythical blue chair is a symbol for the people of Nice.Les chaises bleues de Nice sont disposées sur la Promenade des Anglais et son prolongement, le quai des Etats-Unis. Elles voient le jour, en 1948, grâce à la collaboration de deux hommes, Jacques Ballanger et Charles Tordo. La mythique chaise bleue est un symbole pour les niçois.

Pictures and video of the Blue chairs

History of the blue chairs of Nice

1948, Birth

Jacques Ballanger asks Charles Tordo to create a sturdy chair for his seaside concessions. And this one works on it all his free time. In 1948, the chair was born. Moreover, it is white, but, it becomes blue, only, in 1950. At that time, to sit on the chairs was paying and the municipalities entrusted the management to concessionaires. In this case, Ballanger therefore, owned, its own equipment.

1970, Production stopped

In 1970, production was discontinued. The town halls bought the chairs and they were offered free of charge. Little by little, theft led to the disappearance of many of these blue chairs. In the 90’s, the public of Nice and the politicians demanded the blue chairs.

1990, Jean-Michel Wilmotte

The designer, Jean-Michel Wilmotte creates a blue chair produced in the Haute-Loire, he files the patent in 1998. Unfortunately, thefts resume and are numerous. To respond to this disappearance, the chairs are now going to be fixed to each other, but also to the ground.

The differences between Toldo’s blue chair and Wilmotte’s are minimal. Wilmotte’s armrests are rounded, however, the slats, on the other hand, are less thick than Toldo’s.

2011, The Toldo descendants

In 2011, the descendants of Charles Toldo took over the manufacturing.  Many cities now have the original blue chairs.

History of the blue chairs of Nice

Information about the blue chairs of Nice

Where to order the original blue chair
The 1950 Blue Chair Charles Tordo, Shop in Tourrette-Levens

Also read Sab’s blue chair

Opera of Nice

The Opera of Nice is a municipal lyric theater of 1300 places. It is located in the Vieux-Nice. The building has two main facades, one to the south, on the Quai des États-Unis and the other to the north, rue Saint-François de Paule. Since 1992, it is classified as a historical monument.

The Nice Opera and its history

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In 1776-1777, the Alli-Maccarani family built a new theater on the site of the present opera house.
In 1788, a rival company called the Forty-Nobles bought the Maccarani Theater.

It was then expanded and renovated.

1826, the Royal Theatre

In 1826, the city of Nice bought it to demolish it in order to build the Royal Theater.
Benedetto Brunati carried out its construction in the neoclassical style. For the decoration, the City called upon two Nice painters of the time:Paul-Émile Barbéri(Paolo Emilio Barberi) for the hall and Jean-Baptiste Biscarra (Giovanni Battista Biscarra) for the stage curtain which corresponds to L’Apothéose de Catherine Segurane. She can be seen entering the Temple of Glory. Catherine Segurane is of course, a Nice heroine. The inauguration takes place on October 26, 1827.

1881, fire

On March 23, 1881, the lyriquel theater is destroyed by a terrible fire during the performance of Lucie de Lammermoor, work by Gaetano Donizetti. It was a terrible disaster that counted 63 victims.
In 1884-1885, it was finally rebuilt by François Aune, a disciple of Charles Garnier. Aïda by Guiseppe Verdi is performed, on February 7, 1885, the day of the inauguration.
In 1902, the municipal theater becomes the Opera of Nice and in 1906, the entrance is moved from the corner rotunda to the center of the façade. Its current form dates from 1906.

Facades of the Nice Opera House

L'Opéra de Nice

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The southern façade is of neo-classical inspiration, it is located on the Quai des États-Unis. It is much more sober than the one on the north side, rue Saint-François de Paule. This one is the main entrance.
The north facade is composed of five bays and at each end, a pavilion.
Four magnificent statues represent the Muses of music, song, comedy and dance, (Euterpe, Melpomène, Thalie, Terpsichore). The rotunda has magnificent and large windows. An inscription in Latin can be seen “Heic blandis anium ludis recreare juvabit et risu et lacrymis oblectans scena docebit“. It means “He will delight in entertaining the mind with charming plays and the stage will educate by captivating with laughter and tears“.

Interior of the Nice Opera House

L'Opéra de Nice

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As soon as you enter, you will see the magnificent grand staircase that leads to the great hall, known as the “Italian” hall because it has a horseshoe shape. One can say that its dimensions are spectacular. The figures speak for themselves: nineteen meters wide and twenty-three meters long. The Opera of Nice welcomes a maximum of 1300 spectators. The boxes are on three rows, they are adorned with gold and upholstered in red.
Emmanuel Costa realizes the Nine Muses of the four panels and the fresco of the large ceiling.

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It depicts Phaeton, who drives the chariot of the sun. In the middle sits a majestic crystal chandelier that symbolizes the sun’s star.

On the second level, frescoes by Jean Vigna decorate the foyer and bar.

The program of the Nice Opera

It is very diversified, and from now on, in addition to high-level classical works, one can also find musical theater, classical and contemporary ballets, stagings realized by theater directors, but also cinema. New horizons are opening up with urban music and rap, etc.
The 100% at school operation, gives access to all opera, concert and ballet rehearsals
to schools in Nice. A partnership with the Université Côte d’Azur also exists.

Practical information

Nice Côte d’Azur Opera
4 and 6 rue Saint-François de Paule

Hours of operation
Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Performance Sundays starting 1 hour before the show.
Closes on Mondays.

Official website

Lascaris Palace in Nice

The Lascaris Palace in Nice is, on the one hand, a seventeenth-century palace built by the aristocratic Lascaris de Vintimille family. Its architectural style is of the so-called Genoese baroque. It is located in the Old Nice, at 15 right street. Nowadays, it is, moreover, the Museum of ancient musical instruments.

The Lascaris Palace in Nice and its history

Why then Lascaris? Simply because in 1261, Pierre-Guillaume de Vintimille married Eudoxie Lascaris, one of the daughters of the Greek emperor of Nice, Theodore II.

The most illustrious of the family is thus, Jean-Paul de Lascaris-Castellar (1636-1657), 57th grand master of the Hospitallers of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

Edified in 1648, by the marshal Jean-Baptiste Lascaris who grouped 5 houses, the construction of the palace is completed despite everything, only in the early eighteenth century. The family Vintimille-Lascaris will own it, until 1802. At the beginning of the 20th century, it is true that the palace is degraded. In 1942, the city of Nice buys it with the aim of making it a Museum of regional folk arts and traditions. In 1946, it was classified as a historical monument. After several long years of work, the Palace opened to the public in 1970. The collections of musical instruments from the Massena Museum were transferred to the Lascaris Palace in 2001. With the permanent exhibition of these instruments, the Palais Lascaris thus becomes, in 2011, the Museum of ancient musical instruments in Nice.

The Palais Lascaris in Nice and its layout

Before entering the Palais Lascaris, you must first admire the facade, which is decorated with white marble windows and balconies. Hors d’oeuvre of the visit.

The hall of honor


From the moment you step inside, you are impressed by a large vestibule with vaulted, ridged, ornate designs. A fresco on the ceiling also catches your eye. It represents the coat of arms of the Lascaris family that is an eagle with 2 crowned heads holding in their beaks the ribbon of the motto “Nec me fulgura” (not even lightning can kill me), the white points are characteristic of the Maltese Cross.

First Floor

A monumental staircase takes you to the 1st floor, it is surrounded by arcades, trompe l’oeil. You can admire a statue of Mars, holding a shield with, the coat of arms of the Lascaris family. At the bottom of this staircase, you can see a marble base with a pine cone in marble. Then, a little higher, another base with a cuirass, a quiver and a sword whose handle is a bird’s head. In addition, a statue of Venus and Hercules are visible. And finally, busts are found in niches. Know, moreover, that the second floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions.

2nd floor and its ceremonial rooms

The floor on the 2nd is called noble because the ceremonial apartments can be seen here. The ceilings with frescoes of mythological stories are original and painted in the mid-17th century. They are, in fact, attributed to painters of the Genoese school. One of these ceilings shows the Fall of Phaeton, another Venus and Adonis who are in a chariot pulled by swans and are guided by Mercury. It is also possible to see a fresco of Psyche entering Olympus, etc. Mythological scenes are represented in medallions…
The bedroom with its four-poster bed, the alcove and the atlantes and caryatids testify to a past splendor. The chapel also has a stuccoed ceiling, the main fresco represents Wisdom defying Time and Death, etc. Above each door, there are seascapes and landscapes with rivers.    

The statues and rococo decor of the salons date from the eighteenth century. One can, likewise, admire Flemish and Aubusson tapestries that hang on the walls. Notice during your visit, the many doors called Italian flying doors. They, too, date from the eighteenth century, it is a system that allowed to lighten the weight.

The instrument collection of the Palais Lascaris in Nice

It comes mostly from the legacy of Antoine Gautier. He was born in Nice, in 1825, and died, in 1904.

The bequest was made in 1901.

In 1901, Antoine Gautier therefore made a bequest to the city of Nice of his instrumental collections comprising more than  225 pieces, etc. 
Excellent amateur musician who set up a music room, a collection of instruments as well as rare musical magazines in his home on rue Papacino.

In the many display cases, one notices viols, baroque guitars, recorders, a harpsichord and several harps including the piano-harp of Luigi Caldera, etc.

The Érard, Pleyel, Gaveau archive was, in fact, donated to the Music Museum in 2009. This collection consists of musical instruments, but also documents and archives from the late eighteenth century to 1970.

Since 2013, the Tissier-Grandpierre collection consisting of 66 instruments, including 18 antique harps, is on deposit at the Palais Lascaris in Nice.
In conclusion, the Palais Lascaris in Nice is really a very well-stocked and complete Museum of Musical Instruments, the visit is really worth it.


Palais Lascaris
15 rue Droite
06300 Nice  
Site officiel ville de Nice
Site from Monuments de France

Opening : From 01/01 to 31/12 from 10am to 6pm. Closed on Tuesdays. Exceptional closures on January 1, Easter Monday, May 1, and December 25.

Please note that the museum is closed on Tuesdays.

Full price: 5 € the entrance of the Museum (the ticket of 3 days, 15euros, gives access to all the municipal museums and galleries), group of adults: 4 € (from 10 people).
Free for the press, jobseekers, students, disabled people and their companions.
Museum Pass is offered to all the Niçois and inhabitants of the communes of the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis. It gives free access to all municipal museums and galleries (bring an ID and proof of address less than 3 months).

Tram T1 stops at the Cathedral – City Center station, not far from the Palais Lascaris
Buses 12 and 30 provide access to the Palais Lascaris




Close to essential services

Our rental studio in Nice is also close to essential services for visitors. Here we list some of the most requested.

Essential bike rental services

Apartment for rent in Nice close to essential servicesBike renting

In front of the Palais Massena
2 mins walk
or all along the Promenade des Anglais
Bikes are available at the Palais Massena, for hourly, half-day or full-day rental.

E-bike rental, now, another essential service

An application shows you the e-bike closest to your current position.

Close to essential group services

Apartment for rent in Nice close to essential servicesSmall electric train

In front of the Albert 1er garden, Promenade des Anglais
8 mins walk

Segway (ou gyropode)

2 rue Halevy
7mn à pied

Nice Le Grand Tour tourist bus

The bus renders great services to tourists who want to visit the city, saving themselves the walk. You get off and go back to the stops whenever you want.
4, Av max Gallo, along the Albert 1er garden
11 min walk

Other services for visitors

Glass and paper container

In front of the Palais Massena
2 mins walk

Essential shops surround our rental apart

Essential shops surround our rental apartment in Nice. Let’s say that 8-10 minutes walk, you will find everything you need.

Essential shops: Organic food

Organic food

There are two organic supermarkets in the immediate vicinity of the apartment:

Corner of Rue de France and Boulevard Gambetta
4 mins walk

Essential shops surround our rental apartment in Nice and close the seaBio Coop
2 Place Grimaldi
7 mins walk

Organic bread

An organic artisan baker offers bread, pastries, pastries, all in organic products. Almost in front of the building.
Bio Brød
46 rue de France

Non organic food

Carrefour City
15 rue Meyerbeer
2mn à pied

Carrefour Market
9 Boulevard Gambetta
5mn à pied

Other convenience stores
Lidl: 19 rue Dante, 9 minutes on foot
U: 85 rue de France, 3 mins walk

cheese factory

Nerys, Fromagerie du Carré d’or
54 Rue de France
2 mins walk

The Ferme fromagère
3 Rue Maccarani
6 mins walk

Wines from all regions of France and elsewhere

Cave Rivoli
6 rue de Rivoli
4 mins walk

7 Rue Maccarani
6 mins walk

Fair trade coffee from around the world

Coffee Frei
Fair trade coffees from many countries, often in beans, some in capsules.
52, Rue de France
2 mins walk

Artisanal ice cream parlor

Christophe Artisan Glacier
Another ice cream parlor that seeks to present quality products. Why not, the ice creams are appetizing. Indulge.
17 Rue de France
3 mins walk

Canastel, la réputation faite par ses clients
Word of mouth has made this ice cream parlor a benchmark. The basic products are of high quality and the laboratory is open at the back of the shop. Here, the ice cream is therefore made on site. The choice of flavors is wide. Also note, a specialty: the creponé, a kind of lemon sorbet originating from North Africa and which has become quite rare.
Finally, the icing on the cake, you can sit down indoors or outdoors and savor its flavors.
4 Bd Gambetta
5 mins walk

Italian grocery

75 rue de France
3 mins walk

Essential businesses: Restaurants

We recommend some restaurants in our neighborhood, the Carré d’or, in our page on restaurants in Nice.

Promenade des Anglais in Nice

The Promenade des Anglais in Nice, the Prom’ for the people of Nice, is a long avenue of 7km. It goes from the Albert 1er garden to the Var. It runs along the Baie des Anges for half of its length. Many visitors extend it, from the Albert 1er garden to Rauba Capeu, where the statue I Love Nice is located. But this part does not have the same history as the Prom’. It is the Quai des Etats-Unis.
Given the similarity between the Promenade des Anglais and its extension, the Quai des Etats-Unis, we include both in our pages.

Leisure activities along the Promenade des Anglais

The passgiata

Promenade des Anglais in NiceThe promenade is already in itself a goal for many Nice residents and visitors. This passegiata is done between the jogging of sportsmen, the friendly slaloms of skateboarders or rolleurs and the improbable zig-zags of children on roller bikes. But, rest assured, all this traffic is done in a good mood and without clashes.

The architecture

The passerby can admire many buildings with remarkable architecture.

  • The Palais de la Méditerranée and its Art-deco façade.
  • The Palais Massena, neo-classical behind its open garden.
  • The Negresco hotel, Belle Epoque style.
  • The Palace of Agriculture, Belle Epoque style, 1900-1901
  • etc.

Scooter, segway

Of course, the Promenade des Anglais is dotted with bike rentals, which makes it easy to reach Cannes, for example.
But you can also rent an electric scooter or a segway, for a change.
See the possible activities.

Water sports

Along the beaches, different sports are practiced: Kite surfing, when it is not too crowded on the beach (rather towards the beaches of Magnan), parasailing also. See our page on water sports, some of which can be done from the Port.

Beach huts

The very long beach of Nice is distributed between private and public beaches. The private beaches are concessions to straw huts that install their tables, deckchairs and umbrellas on a reserved area. You can eat or drink there. The winter is the closing season for some of them.
A wide passage is always left on the seafront for the free circulation of pedestrians.

History of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice

Since the 18th century, the English used to spend the winter season in Nice, which belonged to the House of Savoy. If they withdrew during the Revolution and the Napoleonic period, the English, like the House of Savoy, reinvested Nice from 1814 onwards. They lived as close to the sea as possible, that is to say in the current Rue de France, Avenue de la Californie and in “Little London”, the Buffa district.It was the Reverend Lewis Way who had a simple road built along the seafront, which stopped well before the current Negresco. This camin dei Inglés or path of the English finally became the famous Promenade des Anglais, in 1844, reaching the current districts of Baumettes, then Magnan in 1856 and up to the Var in 1903.
Because of the beauty of the landscape and the healthy effects of the sea air, villas and hotels were built on the edge of the Promenade des Anglais, giving it little by little an air of countryside. But the pressure of urbanism made destroy the villas with the profit of buildings, giving him the aspect which we know him.

Close to the museums and visits in Nice

We summarize here everything that is close to the apartment for rent in Nice. And both for your visits and for food.

Close to the museums and visits in Nice: All your visits

Museums closed to the apartment for rent in Nice

  • close to the apartment for rent in NiceMatisse Museum *** : 12 min walk + Bus No 5
  • Chagall Museum *** : 12 min walk + Bus No 5
  • Lascaris Palace *** : 20 min walk ou tram L2, stop Garibaldi
  • Massena Palace : 2 min walk
  • Photography museum *** : 17 min walk ou tram L2, stop Garibaldi
  • MAMAC *** : 26 min walk ou Tram L2, stop Garibaldi
  • Natural History Museum : 26 min walk ou Tram L2, stop Garibaldi
  • Museum of Fine Arts : 15 min walk ou Tram L2, stop Centre Universitaire Méditerrannéen
  • Terra Amata, Prehistory Museum : Tram L2, arrêt Port Lympia et 7 min walk
  • National Sports Museum : Tram L2 direction CADAM, stop Digue des français puis Ligne 3, stop Saint Isidore
  • Asian Arts Museum : Tram L2, stop Parc Phoenix

See our page on Nice Museums.

You like homemade ice cream near the apartment for rent in Nice

  • Christophe Artisan Glacier
    An ice cream maker that seeks to present quality products. Why not, the ice creams are appetizing. Indulge.
    17 Rue de France
  • Canastel, la réputation faite par ses clients
    Word of mouth has made this ice cream parlor a reference. The basic products are of high quality and the laboratory is open at the back of the shop. The ice cream is therefore made on site. The choice of flavors is wide. Also note, a specialty: the creponé, a kind of lemon sorbet originating from North Africa and which has become quite rare.
    Finally, the icing on the cake, you can sit down indoors or outdoors and savor its flavors.
    4 Bd Gambetta

Close to the museums and visits in Nice: the restaurants

We recommend some restaurants in our neighborhood, the Carré d’or, in our page on restaurants in Nice.

Public transport rates in Nice

The public transport rates in Nice concern the Ligne d’Azur urban transport. Nice-riviera.com presents the different fares (except monthly or annual subscriptions) and the conditions of use.

Nice transport faresNice transport fares  : Solo

The Solo ticket authorizes a single trip, for one person, for a maximum of 74 minutes.
1,50€ per person

Transport rates in Nice : 1 day pass

This ticket allows unlimited use of Lignes d’Azur public transport in Nice for 24 hours from the first validation.
5€ per person (price before July 1st 2023).

Nice transport rates: 2 day pass

This ticket allows unlimited use of Lignes d’Azur public transport in Nice for 48 hours from the first validation.
10€ per person (price before July 1st 2023).

Nice transport rates: 7 day pass

This pass allows unlimited use of Lignes d’Azur public transport in Nice for 7 days from the first validation
15€ per person (price before July 1, 2023).

Pack 10 trips

10€ (price before July 1st 2023)

AZUR Ticket

Valid for one trip on a Nice suburban line, followed (within 2h30) by a trip on a suburban line except airport, Bus 100% Neige, Randobus.
2,50€ (price before July 1st 2023)

Ticket conditions of use

  • Tickets can be purchased from vending machines at each streetcar stop or online.
    Please note : They are only valid on Nice urban lines, streetcar and Ligne d’azur bus.
  • The bus driver can sell Solo tickets (a single trip).
  • They can be downloaded on smartphone or obtained as a paper ticket. To be valid on smartphone, you must have the NFC function. App: Lignes d’Azur ticket.
  • With your ticket, you can change transportation, for example, go from one streetcar to another, or from one streetcar to a bus, or from one bus to another, provided that the trip is always in the same direction. In other words, Round Trip prohibited.
  • transport fares in NiceYou must punch your ticket on each trip. In case of connection and change of bus or streetcar, you only stamp at departure.

How to use transportation

    • You get on the buses through the front door.
    • The sociability of the people of Nice leads them to greet the bus driver as they enter. A “bonjour” never hurt anyone.

All stops are announced in the bus or streetcar, in French or English.

Official website


Transportation is also about cabs. We invite you to read our page on transportation from Nice airport and especially the cab packages to Nice, Cannes or Monaco.

Transportation from Nice airport

What are the transportation options from Nice airport? Nice-Riviera.com offers you a complete overview, on the one hand to Nice and on the other hand to the neighboring cities.

Transportation from Nice airport to the city center

From Nice-Côte d’Azur airport, you can reach Nice city center in several ways.

  • By tram

Nice Airport TransportationLine 1 does not serve the airport.

Line 2 starts from the airport, crosses the south of Nice. It crosses busy urban areas with stops at Alsace-Lorraine, Jean Médecin, Durandy and Garibaldi, before ending at Port Lympia, the port of Nice.

Line 3 starts at the airport, runs northwest to Allianz-Riviera Stadium and beyond.

See the various bus and streetcar tickets for the Azur lines.
See also the Public Transportation.

  • By bus

There are few Lignes d’Azur buses serving the airport, replaced by the very efficient streetcar lines.

Line 12, stop Aéroport/ Promenade, at the level of the airport 1. It runs along the Promenade des Anglais and then climbs to the north, serving Place Massena and runs along the Old Town to the east.

See the different tickets.
See also Public Transportation.

  • By taxi

By cab to Nice

Many cabs are waiting at the airport exit. You can return to the center of Nice by cab, at a flat rate of 32€ (rate 2023). All of Nice is thus served at this rate. It is a rate per vehicle, thus including 3 or 4 people depending on the vehicle, with medium-sized luggage. All included.
Have these conditions confirmed before your departure.

By cab to other cities

There are also packages to other major cities near Nice.
Nice airport to Monaco: 95€ (2023 rate).
Nice airport – Cannes: 85€ (2023 fare).
Have these conditions confirmed before your departure.

Transportation from Nice airport to other cities

Buses serving cities in the southeast are part of the Zou group, bringing together local buses (and trains).

  • Aix-en-Provence (60): platform 7 at terminal 2.
  • Antibes > Vallauris (82): platform No. 3 at terminal 2.
  • Cannes (81): platform No. 2 at Terminal 2 or (620-621), Terminal 1, Promenade des Anglais, Aéroport/Promenade stop, across the roadway.
  • Digne > Grenoble (51): platform 7 at terminal 2.
  • Grasse (650): Terminal 1, Promenade des Anglais, Airport/Promenade stop, across the roadway.
  • Monaco > Menton (80): platform 1 at Terminal 2.
  • Saint-Raphael (90): pier 7 at terminal 2.
  • Sophia-Antipolis (630/631): Terminal 1, Promenade des Anglais, Aéroport/Promenade stop, across the roadway.
  • Valberg (670): platform 7 at Terminal 2.
  • Vence by Saint Paul (655): Terminal 1, Promenade des Anglais, Airport/Promenade stop, across the roadway.

Bike self-service rental

Bike self-service rental in Nice is possible, anywhere in the city. Combine business with pleasure. Borrow a bike or an electric bike and visit the city at your leisure.


Bike self-service rental

Two companies offer self-service bikes: Lime and Pony.

Stations are located all over Nice and the other towns in the metropolitan area. There’s bound to be one near you. Once you’ve registered on the app, you can find out where the bikes are located. Pick up a bike, ride around and return it to the station of your choice.
Please note: Minimum age 14.


    • Is the station empty? Use the app to easily find available bikes at the nearest stations.

    • Where to return your bike? The app will help you.

Bike self-service rental in Nice: e-Vélo

The operation is identical to bicycles without motors. Use of these self-service electric bikes extends to 11 communes: Beaulieu-sur-Mer, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Carros, Drap, La Gaude, La Trinité, Saint-André-de-la-Roche, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Saint-Jeannet, Saint-Laurent-du-Var, Nice et Vence.

Practical information

To benefit from the bikes, you must:

    • Inscribe

official website

Public transportation in Nice

Public transportation in Nice is particularly well developed. Between trams, buses and trains, you’ll find a way to get around almost the entire region.

Trams, useful public transportation

public transport in NiceThere are 3 streetcar lines serving Nice East-West and North-South.

Line 1: Henri Sappia-Hôpital Pasteur

This streetcar line serves, among other places, Thiers station (the central station), Jean Médecin commercial avenue, Massena square and goes up north, along Vieux Nice, passes Garibaldi, etc.

Line 2: Airport-Port Lympia

Line 2 serves both Nice-Côte d’Azur airports, runs parallel to the Promenade des Anglais, then past Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen, makes a detour to Alsace-Lorraine, passes Jean Médecin, Garibaldi and arrives at its terminus, opposite the port.
Beware for the return trip, the line splits in two. Well choose between airport or Cadam.

Line 3: Airport-Saint Isidore

Line 3 leaves from the airport and serves the Saint Isidore neighborhood, including the Allianz-Riviera stadium. In the airport-Saint Isidore direction, it runs until 9:55 pm. In the return direction, Saint-Isidore-Airport, it operates until 00:00 on weekends and 00:06 on weekdays.

160 bus routes

Various tickets

To travel by streetcar or city bus, it is the same ticket.
One-way ticket, valid 75mn in the same direction (no round trip).
You must validate your ticket at each transport, inside the streetcar or bus.

Some of the main lines include

  • The city heart electric shuttle serves the city center in a large circuit, passing every 15mn.
  • Line 5 serves the Matisse and Chagall museums to Avenue Jean Médecin and Place Massena.
  • Line 12 which runs along much of the Promenade des Anglais to Vieux Nice.
  • Line 23 serves Thiers station (central station), a small part of the Promenade des Anglais to Vieux Nice.

Outside lines

These lines do not work with tickets for city lines.

LR100 line from the port

Villefrance-sur-mer, Beaulieu-sur-mer, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat
Line15 from the port

Fares and tickets for Azur Nice lines

In addition to monthly, quarterly and annual tickets, for residents there are several tickets available.

  • One way ticket
  • 1 day pass
  • 2 day pass
  • 7 day pass
  • Pack 10 trips.

Tickets can be purchased at the agency or, more simply, by phone, using the app

  • NFC Nice Ticket for Android
  • Nice Ticket for iPhone

The phone serves as the ticket if it is equipped with NFC (contactless payment).

Book a tour bus

See also how to book cool transportation

Train stations

All the info on stations served and rail connections

Thiers station, central station
Great TGV lines (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc), Menton, Cannes, Grasse, etc.

Saint Augustin train station
Station close to the airport allowing faster access to the Allianz-Riviera stadium. Serves the cities of Menton, Cannes, Grasse, Draguignan, etc.

Riquier train station
Departures to Menton, Marseille, Grasse, Cannes, Ventimille, etc.