You are here : Nice-Riviera > Nice guide for kids
The Nice guide for kids, written by Jean-Marc Foulquier, is aimed at 7-14 year-olds. It helps young readers discover and love Nice, so they can become guides for the adults who accompany them.
This Children's Guide to Nice presents the must-sees of Nice, but also topics that will be of interest to young readers: Promenade des Anglais, hill and waterfall, museums, parks and games, little electric train, and more.
Worth noting: The Top secret section establishes a complicit tone with young readers, delivering "secrets" as they visit.
What's more, this guide is enhanced by little games: riddles, intrusions. Everything is done to encourage the pleasure of visiting Nice.
90 p. Color illustrations. Ages 7-14. ISBN-13: 979-8329034059 Paperback $10 Digital format $8,05
See the Guide on Amazon.COM or Amazon.FR. See the digital version