Nice neighborhood

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To know in which neighborhood to rent in Nice, we present you the most touristic and best suited neighborhoods to stay. Housing, transportation, shops, you will know the essentials of the neighborhoods of Nice. But beware. The other neighborhoods will be the subject of a later publication because they may deserve your consideration.
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In which neighborhood to rent in Nice

Old Nice | The Port| Carabacel| Medecin| Musicians | Carré d'or | Gambetta | Baumettes


The heart of the neighborhoods: the Vieux Nice (1)

Map of neighborhoods where to rent in Nice: the Old Nice The Old Nice is the ancient heart of the city. It is made up of small, often curved streets, lined with old, well-maintained, Italian-style buildings. It is an area that is not pedestrian but monopolized by pedestrians in the alleys.
There are many old or quality shops (gastronomic, local products). The Old Nice shelters the Nice inhabitants and the tourists of passage. It is thus a place not to be missed but also very animated. This can be pleasant during the day. It is the same in the evening. Streetcar and buses are all around.
Your accommodation in Old Nice

The port district (2)

Map of neighborhoods where to rent in Nice: Port LympiaThe port district includes the marinas, fishing ports and links to Corsica. All around extends a bourgeois habitat and businesses, including a large number of bars and restaurants. It is therefore a tourist district that is being modernized. Served by the streetcar and buses. Pleasant atmosphere.
Your accommodation towards the Port


Map of neighborhoods to rent in Nice : CarabacelCarabacel (17)

The Carabacel neighborhood adjoins the Jean Médecin / Place Massena neighborhood. It is part of this city center richly endowed with quality shops and buildings with remarkable architecture, Belle époque and Ligurian style at the same time. Decorative facades, glazed tiles, elaborate balconies, domes. A chic and lively neighborhood, served by the streetcar to the east, south and west, as well as bus lines.
Your accommodation in the Carabacel neighborhood in Nice

Map of neighborhoods where to rent in Nice : Doctor / Massena


Doctor/Massena (22)

The Jean Médecin district stretches from the famous Place Massena in the south, to the Thiers train station in the north. It is very close to the Old Nice. Perfectly served by public transport (buses and streetcars), its Jean Médecin axis is the commercial heart of Nice, where the Nice Etoile center is located. A very lively district.
Your accommodation in Massena-Jean Médecin district

Map of neighborhoods to rent in Nice: Musicians


Musicians (23)

The Musicians or Thiers neighborhood is located south of the central station of the same name. It is an essentially residential neighborhood of varied housing, sometimes chic and Belle Epoque style, sometimes more humble. This district is served by train, streetcar and buses.
Your accommodation in the Musicians district

Map of neighborhoods where to rent in Nice : Carré d'or


Carré d’or, rue de France (24)

The Carré d'or neighborhood is, as its name implies, a highly sought-after and chic neighborhood, without being posh. Consisting of quality housing and Art Deco, Belle Epoque style, it borders the Prom', the famous Promenade des Anglais. A chic neighborhood, but not necessarily stuffy, it is very lively without being saturated, very varied and still authentic, cosmopolitan but with a beautiful personality. Close to everything, the quality of life remains an asset of this district. Buses and streetcars serve it very favorably but most visits benefit from being done on foot.
Your accommodation in the Carré d'or neighborhood
Our studio in Nice in this sought-after neighborhood

Map of neighborhoods to rent in Nice: Gambetta


Gambetta (25)

The Gambetta district is an area of contrast, between stylish housing and more popular buildings. Indeed, between Consulate, Thiers central station, public garden, local shops, it is served by buses and streetcar. But of course, the North is further from the center and the Promenade des Anglais than the South of the district.
Your accommodation in the Gambetta district

Map of neighborhoods where to rent in Nice : Baumettes


Baumettes (26)

The Baumettes neighborhood stretches along the sides of a hill. The top of the neighborhood is very residential, composed of villas and quality housing. On the other hand, the south of the district, towards Magnan, is a bit more lively, better equipped with shops, although quiet and close to the Promenade des Anglais.
Your accommodation in the Baumettes district

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