Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice

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Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice is one of the emblematic businesses of the city and the region.

The Nicolas Alziari business in Nice

In the store, you will be amazed at the variety of oils offered. This is one of the reasons for the company's notoriety. Indeed, Alziari has been able to preserve the traditional oils that have made its reputation. But also, it has never stopped innovating, inventing and offering new varieties, always of very high quality.

  • Oil from the estate
  • Oils of France
  • Grand cru
  • Flavored
  • Organic Oils
  • Etc

The store also sells olives and their by-products.

  • Tapenades
  • Pestos
  • Cosmetics
  • Etc

Finally, the line is expanding with the sale of groceries and accessories.

  • Sugars
  • Jellies
  • Seafood products
  • Honey
  • Pouring caps
  • Cans and barrels
  • Tabbards
  • Olivewood items
  • Etc

History of the Nicolas Alziari oil in Nice

Alziari NiceThe old Santa mill was bought by Cesar Martin to produce olive oil, around 1868. He had a modern building built and soon his olive oil became very successful.
This is how the first oil mill was born.
At the beginning of 1900, Nicolas Alziari took over the family business and improved the quality of the oils sold.
He searched for the best olives in Europe and managed to create blends that earned him an international reputation.
In 1936, Nicolas Alziari's daughter, Pauline, opened a store on rue Saint François de Paule.
In 1980, Pauline's son, Jean Nègre, developed the sale of oil by enriching it with accessory products.
Little by little, new oils are created, the estate grows from 30 to 60 hectares of olive trees.
The company is currently managed by David and Vincent Piot.

Practical information


  • Boutique Nicolas Alziari
    14 rue Saint François de Paule
  • Moulin and shop
    318 Boulevard de la Madeleine
    Streetcar line 2 + bus 6M to the terminus of la Madeleine
    Chemin de fer de Provence, stop La Madeleine

Official website

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