Safranier in Antibes, a free commune

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There's nothing revolutionary about this free commune of Safranier in Antibes. No spirit of independence is claimed by its creators. This neighborhood is all about maintaining a certain quality of life. The area is pedestrianized. Numerous gatherings and parties are organized, to strengthen ties between members of the neighborhood and preserve their tradition.

The Safranier free commune in Antibes

The commune libre stretches around the Place du Safranier, in old Antibes, between Rue de la Tourraque and Rue du Haut Castelet.

Some Safranier events, among others

  • Giant aioli
  • Square ball competition
  • Pistou soup
  • Harvest festival
  • Chestnut Festival
  • Log festival = Fête de la bûche
  • and many more.

The Safranier free commune in Antibes came into being in the 1960s, in old Antibes.
Commune libre is therefore understood as a neighborhood free not to be devoured by the modern world, free not to lose its past.

To visit Le Safranier

This is an area to visit on tiptoe, with the deepest respect for its inhabitants. Visit as if you were entering a guest's apartment.

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